
Might wanna go back and read the updated story, they don’t look white to me :D

What’s the controversy behind Gone Home? I can’t keep up with all the controversies these days. Seemed like a normal game to me, (I’ve never played it, probably never will).

Nailed every one of them lol.

Yep. Gawker and Jez are a cesspool of anti white commenters. But white people are the racist ones, right?

I’m not even talking about framerate/resolution lol. I’m one of those people who mostly doesn’t care about it. Xbone does 900p on alot of games, whoopy dee doo, the games are still fun. Although there is no excuse for the consoles to be dropping below 30 fps. I never expected them to hit a steady 60 fps this gen, but

The thing is, blowing in it always made it work though!! With this generation, if a game isn’t working, such as with Diablo 3’s error code 37, then you’re fucked!! This gen really is the worst, doesn’t mean it’s bad, just the worst gaming gen so far.

But it’s delicious toxins :(

It’s having the willpower to stick to your budget that is hard for people. You can make out the best bidget in the world but it means nothing if you don’t have the willpower to stick to it and cut off your spending when you know you’re nearing your limit for the week/month.

lol I remember playing my Red/Blue file using that after I had beaten the game several other times. It was awesome, helped so much with the grind.

It’s near the beginning of the month still, which means peoples finances are still recovering from bills, rent, other payments.

It wasn’t the driver, trust me.

That sounds terrible. I mean the shoutouts.

I just finished watching both IGN and Gamespots review of Fallout 4. It doesn’t sound like it has too many issues other than a jumpy framerate on console and the standard Bethesda game bugs. Nothing game breaking.

Delicious poison though :(

It’s like the people saying “I hope they make a Skyrim 2” *cringe*

That is true, damn R.I.P. Oum, the guy had skills man.

That’s disappointing to hear that they don’t use in game footage anymore, that’s part of what made it special :(

And Microsoft and Sony thought it would be a good idea to include 500 GB hard drives with their systems

Oh ok, those guys. I’ve seen a few Red vs Blue episodes but that was a long time ago, haven’t watched one in ages.

lol how would I know? Maybe they’re broke and can’t afford to upgrade.