
I see. In your original comment you said 360 though so....

The 360 version. There’s your problem, they’re playing the game on a 10 year old console. The game runs great on Xbone and PC. Hell, I couldn’t stand playing my 360 version anymore because it took forever for things to load. Time will tell if it’s a sinking ship or not, we’ll see what it looks like a year or two from

That’s the thing though, it doesn’t need a sequel. Minecraft is the digital version of legos. They can just keep building and expanding it in its current form.

True but now Microsoft profits from it as well. Minecraft isn’t a fad, it’s here to stay, Candy Crush Saga on the other hand.......

Dunno man seems to be growing to me, they even got that new Telltale Minecraft series out, well episode 1 at least. Plus it’s still one of the top paid games on the marketplace, a position it’s held since, forever really. We’re gonna have to agree to disagree on this one lol

Minecraft is pretty big these days, and getting bigger and bigger. Microsoft will make their money back on that Mojang purchase. Hell they even got Minecraft merchandise now, plush toys, little guide books for the game, even a licensed Lego set. I don’t think people realize how big Minecraft has gotten.

That IP was Minecraft though. Money well spent...I would think.

Or maybe it just wasn’t for him?

Ok thank you. I did wind up going to that thread you linked and read all the details that guy posted, it’s mainly the vidoes I’m avoiding. I like almost everything I read so far.

What difficulty modes are there to choose from? I don’t want to watch all the videos because I don’t want to spoil all the early goings of the game for myself. From what I have watched yeah the gunplay looks really great now, VATS looks fun as ever, dunno if I like the new dialoug wheel yet but time will tell. I like

This was probably console footage. Anyone that’s playing this game for the graphics is doing it wrong. We play Fallout for the story, the world, the quests etc etc.

Yeah, I understand that. I’m just confused how people assumed that Xbox wasn’t gonna be game focused anymore. Even though Microsoft focused on the media aspects of the Xbone early on I knew it was still gonna have a great library of games.

It isn’t really a media box though, it’s still a game console first and foremost with the added capability of all that other multimedia stuff. I knew they were still gonna focus on games, I went with Xbox One and don’t regret a thing. Shit, Microsoft has more exclusives coming out this holiday than Sony does...

I don’t think you know what stealing means.

I always say the same thing. A lot of people say it’s just the nostalgia talking but it isn’t, the PS2 era really was the greatest era in gaming.

I agree it breaks the immersion but I’m just looking at it from their perspective. Giving players the ability to kill kids would drum up way too much controversy, no developer wants that kind of negative controversy around their game. You think the controversy around the airport mission was bad? It would be that times

Well giving players the option to skip was a smart decision because there was already gonna be controversy over the fact that such a mission was even in the game but not letting players skip it would have added EVEN MORE controversy. Oh, and for the record I wasn’t offended at all over the mission, I even laid on the

* Should keep all parties happy. There will always be whiners.

Exactly. Plus, it’s not like they didn’t give players an option to skip the mission. Giving an option to skip keeps all parties happy.

They aren’t allowed to have an opinion on the matter? Even if it’s a controversial one?