
I long for the days of having a big collection like I had as a kid. I guess that’s why buying one at a time would be hard for me. I would rather save up a bunch of money and then buy a bunch at once then set them all up when I got home with them.

No definitely not. I got some pretty neat toys for my birthday and Christmas, which I was very thankful for. My parents weren’t rich by any means but we also weren’t poor. The nice toys came on the years that my dad’s business made good money. I’d get stuff like this

True but by the time you build up a mini collection of the smaller toys it equals the price of the big one anyway, or at least close to it. I wouldnt be able to settle for just one. I’d want like 5 or 6 mini figures to display on my dresser at home. I guess that’s why it’s hard for me to buy toys these days, cause

We made it boys.

Toys are expensive though. As a kid my parents bought all that stuff for me, now it’s gotta come outta my pocketbook. I love Legos, especially Star Wars themed Lego sets but...that price. The Millenium Falcon set alone runs $150.

Definitely an old person.

Everyone is different. There’s nothing wrong with liking being an adult more than a kid. I do enjoy my adult freedoms but at this current stage in my life there’s more stress than there are happy times. When I was a kid it was so stress free, for the most part anyway. Some people long for those days again.

Yeah that’s the thing, when you become an adult everything becomes about money. Affording everything becomes a struggle, until later on when you (hopefully) land a good job.

haha no!! You’re doing adulthood right!!! I do still stay up late sometimes to watch movies or tv shows but unfortunately have no Star Wars toys to play with :( all the toys from my childhood got thrown out.

Yep. It’s funny, when you’re a kid all you want to do is be an adult, it sounds so awesome, being able to do whatever you want, drive a car, go to R rated movies, buy alcohol/porn etc etc. But then you become an adult and you long for the days of being a kid, summer vacation from school, staying up late watching

You’ve stocked up on fap kleenex?

Suppose to or not I’m glad he did what he did and I would have done the same thing. Act like a fool, get taken down like a fool. The law is a joke in this country.

Dumb comment more like it. People are just calling out and mocking the stupidity.

USPS does those auctions too, dunno about UPS though. Also, did you not contact Fedex about your packages? If they fucked up they should have reimbursed you the full amount if your packages couldn’t be found.

Although, either way, humans are still by far the most evil. Goraillas and Pandas may do those things but they also aren’t nearly as intelligent as a human being. Humans being have evolved past that primitive stage and know right from wrong.

Damn really? I never knew that lol. Well I guess that’s why we evolved from primates such as those. We became smarter but also more destuctive. Take the good with the bad I guess.

Ya that’s true. But I mean lighting cats on fire? Molesting babies? Only a human could think of such twisted things. You don’t see Gorillas or Panda bears molesting their young lol.

His swag level is over 9000 for sure. But his douchebag level is is triple that.

So, in summary, humans are the most sadistic, vile species out there? Got it. Reading stuff like that gives me a very cynical view of the world :/

That picture is perfect!!! I’m stealing it, if you don’t mind XD