Do what I do, buy both then switch off between the two. Come home from work, play Tomb Raider for 4 hours, play Fallout for 6 hours, sleep, go to work, come home, repeat :D
Do what I do, buy both then switch off between the two. Come home from work, play Tomb Raider for 4 hours, play Fallout for 6 hours, sleep, go to work, come home, repeat :D
Where is Anno 2205? That is scheduled to come out Nov 3.
Aloha Kripp, my name is King Kamehameha, King of Hawaii. I want to invite you to come to our tropical island paradise to teach us Cardstone. You will be compensated with a million palm leaves (worth over 10 million tons of salt) and as many obese Hawaiian women as you desire. We would love to hear from you. Please no…
Not to mention they save tons of money on SF 5 by re using a ton of assets from SF 4. I mean when I first saw screenshots of it I thought I was looking at a new edition of SF 4.
They aren’t broke, Resident Evil 1 remaster was their fastest selling digital title of all time and went on to sell over 1 million copies. RE Revelations 2 sold over a million as well, they had the money to make a SF 5, they were just lured in at the prospect of working with someone on it, over making it themselves.
You’re smoking crack if you think SF 5 wouldn’t have been made without Sony pitching in for it. Capcom isn’t just going to stop development on SF, the biggest fighting series ever. SF 4 and the numerous re releases sold very well, they had the money to fund it, they just got in bed with Sony, as Microsoft did with…
I was saying this before anyone knew Quantum Break was even a thing. I have phychic powers you see, I forsaw this generic shooter with time stop powers with good actors shoehorned in to try and hide the fact that it’s a generic shooter with time powers.
Ah I see. Ya when the finals of any sport is 1 sided it makes for an extremely boring watch. I’m sure the players winning are happy but us as spectators it’s boring lol.
I’m rooting for EG myself. Gotta root for my home country team. Why were the finals bad last year? I didn’t watch the International last year. I know Newbee won, that’s all I know.
People love Nintendo, they will always return to support them if they change their ways, myself included.
I’m glad they keep making articles about it. You gotta keep pounding it into a companys head until they wake up and get it. That goes for any company. I’m glad Microsoft got so much shit for the Xbone because they became better for it. Look at the Xbone at launch and then what it is now, huge difference and even more…
I agree but Phil Spencer has them on the right track now. To me, it feels like the Rare Replay is their way of saying, “Hey, remember all these awesome games we made and were known for making? Well guess what we’re that kind of company again and we’re back on track”. We Haven’t seen much of Sea of Thieves yet but the…
Wow, she sounds like a real looker. Well, if she isn’t currently in a relationship and you like her and want to get to know her maybe ask her out? I know that can be terrifying but you gotta try, even if she rejects you at least you tried. You’ll never know what the outcome of something will be until you try it.
It’s the Social Justice Warriors and the feminazis these days that got some people believing that thinking a woman is pretty is sexist.
They just needed more side missions and shit like that. Everything else felt spot on, I liked the gameplay overall, the city and cars were recreated beautifully.
The cigarette sales was just one of the early missions you do. There are plenty of shootout missions later on. I’m pumped for Mafia 3, Can’t wait to see what they do with the series.
Devs just need to make the game that they want to make, if they have a vision for a game just make that, it can drive you insane trying to please everybody.
LOL!! That glitch was terrifying. See, those are the types of bugs that I’m ok with because they’re hilarious.
It won’t reinforce the “dont pre order mantra” which I agree with most of the time. This is Todd Howard, he doesnt make bad games. I pre ordered Fallout 4 with complete confidence. I’m expecting a few bugs, sure, but I don’t give a shite lol, the game is going to be glorious!!!!
I dunno, the system’s been out for a year and a half now, how long do they expect us to wait. I’m just super disappointed with this gen so far, both Sony and Microsoft, but more so with Sony.