
Don’t feel perverted, it just means you’re a healthy adult male :), or female, if that’s your thing :D

It pales in comparison to the PS1, 2, and even 3. This happens every generation with Sony, were left here twiddling our thumbs waiting for games while our PS4s collect dust.

“nobody will care about Tomb Raider when you have Uncharted coming out.”

Man I can’t believe people actually believe that SF 5 wouldn’t have happened without Sony’s help. It’s something people tell themselves to make it sound okay that SF 5 is only coming to PS4. You, and a lot of other people honestly think SF 5 wouldn’t have happened without Sony? SF 4 altogether sold over 8 million

Kanye the type of dude to show up at a job interview and ask why they deserve to hire him.

It was still a remake though, not to mention they had the original control scheme in there, for those that wanted to use it. Not to mention the Resident Evil Zero remaster/remake coming out early next year. I just don’t get why you said Capcom is too lazy for proper remakes, cause they clearly aren’t, lol.

Wasn’t the Resident Evil 1 remaster a proper remake?

Ya I agree. It happens everytime, new patch comes out, final boss dies within several weeks. I mean I know these guys attempt it hundreds of times but it still feels fast. A limited number of tries would up the pressure.

Horde still outnumber Alliance on about a 3:1 basis on most servers, especially PvP servers. I don’t feel 1 bit bad about having OP racials. OP is stoned.

They paid money to see it and we got to see it just now for free. They made their choice. I’ll happily save the hundreds of dollars that it would have costed to go to Comic Con to see the trailer.

Why can’t they give us the trailer now? Show the trailer to the millions of fans that are going to go see the movie, not just a small subset of people that attended Comic Con.

lol I can’t believe you and a few others are actually making this sound okay. Some people in this world *facepalm*

“plenty of people voluntarily use drugs to help them sleep.”

Same thing I was thinking. I was also thinking how no one noticed the inventory problems when playtesting the game. They must have had some really shitty playtesters.

I remember that level too!! I kinda liked Double Agent, the levels felt open. Esepcially that one in the desert (can’t remember the name).

“Islam’s not the point, anyway. The point is: any, old, large group that still exists has a tie to some crime against humanity. The Germans committed a Holocaust against Jews and Romani. More groups than I care to count have practiced the “soft holocausts” we call “ethnic cleansing.”

The constitution applies to everybody, black or white, male or female. Stop watching liberal media.

No one ever wants to admit that it wasn’t just the USA that had slavery because it’s cool to hate the USA. Everyone just loves to blame the evil whiteys that inhabit the USA now, because we totally controlled what our ancestors did right?

“It plays bad”

Ohhh yaaa, Anno has a history of excellence, I’m pre ordering the shit out of that. I will pre order Fallout 4 as well, I don’t care how many bugs there are at release, nothing will stop me from playing these bad boys.