Being healthy is boring though. Who the fuck wants to live off fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains the rest of their life!!!
Being healthy is boring though. Who the fuck wants to live off fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains the rest of their life!!!
I didn’t have too much trouble making it through the library without being seen. Absolution let you play both ways, guns blazing or stealth. Ya the rooftop level was annoying cause it kinda forced you to go guns blazing. Well not “forced” you too but it definitely wasn’t designed with stealth in mind. Also that level…
The stealth is fine, sorry to say but you’re just a bad sneaker. A true stealth player has patience. It’s up to you to find out how to kill your target, the game doesn’t hold your hand.
Ya I’m not a fan of it either. I’m going to wait for the complete game to be available on disc before buying it. I hate this buy now get your content later crap. I pay $60, you give me the whole thing now, not over the course of half a year.
That’s like 64 in E-sports years.
“what other game lets you choose not to use guns?”
There’s nothing wrong with saying a company had a bad E3 showing. People expect to be amazed by what they see in these conferences, so when it’s boring then a company is gonna get called out for it.
Your loss brotha :( :( their E3 showing was awesome, Xbone is getting tons of good stuff this year and next.
My comment was addressing the beggining of YOUR comment, which was about piracy. I read your entire comment but was addressing the piracy part, it sure sounded like you were condoning piracy. Dunno why you’re repeating yourself, you chose to do so, I sure didn’t force you. lol and I don’t have any “precious values”,…
Exactly. At first I thought it was the first proper Wii U Animal Crossing game. Then I found out it was a board game thingy :\ ResidentSleeper DansGame
I think all of us did.
There’s this awesome thing you could try: Buying the game.
lol what hoops? I’m just curious. I simply installed Uplay, downloaded Anno 2070, then hit “play” and I was in the game. People overreact when it comes to Uplay.
This looks pretty damn cool but my main question is how much is it gonna cost? If it’s too much then most people won’t bother.
LOL!!! k buddy sure
LOL you’re smoking crack bro. THAT version of Doom was the one that looked like generic shooter #875. It was basically Gears of War, Call of Duty and Halo all mashed into one game and then they called it Doom. They just took concepts from every popular shooter and implemented them into their game. The version they…
People are gonna complain no matter what. It bugs me too but do your best to tune them out, they mean nothing. They’ll be sitting here whining on a game site while we’ll be playing Doom!!!
I gotta ask, how exactly DO you want a shooter to look then? I fucking loved that gameplay, the visuals were amazing, the shooting looked solid, blowing demons apart with a badass shotgun and a chainsaw, that’s what Doom is all about. Not to mention the return of the arena style multiplayer. It was everything I…
lol I swear it is damn near impossible to keep a secret in this industry these days. I wish Kotaku wouldn’t go making an article out of it, it’s the same shit every E3, everything gets announced or leaked before E3 and then there’s almost nothing that’s a surprise, there’s no big reveals left. But anyway I’m mainly…
I think he meant MOST people didn’t care about Sunset Overdrive when it came out. Which is completely true and the sales numbers reflect that. I loved the game but sadly many others didn’t :(