Demos are essentially back if you think about it. Buy game, play for a half hour, decide if you like it, if you don’t, return it, if you do, keep it lol. I like it
Demos are essentially back if you think about it. Buy game, play for a half hour, decide if you like it, if you don’t, return it, if you do, keep it lol. I like it
whoa, you’re gonna really hate me then cause Oblivion was my favorite, Morrowind coming in at a VERY close second.
Oh ok, I thought you were just referring to the visuals. In that case, yes I agree, they need better animations. The people in their games always looked so....wooden.
Minecraft looks like something that came from the SNES, does that mean it’s not good?
Ok, I guess I can see how players like it. To be honest I have bought a few skins myself in one of the mobas I use to play. I own a few cool looking skins in Heroes of Newerth, but then again those skins weren’t $10 but ya either way I own them. I’m not really downing anyone who likes this stuff, I’m more downing…
Oh, I have quite a few hours into Hearthstone myself, they absolutely deserve to get paid for their work...when they add meaningful content to the game. I was more than happy to pay for the raid wings for example. There’s no way in hell they’re getting $10 outta me for an avatar change with a few animations thrown in.…
Those are all PC codes though. I bought it for Xbone cause I don’t think my PC would have been able to handle the game. There weren’t really any sales for the console versions.
A skin in a card game basically is a picture. So they add a few little animations. Also, ya another $60 on a game that will give me a whole new experience in addition to countless hours in multiplayer if it’s a multiplayer game like Halo for example. $25 for a mount? That’s about 2 months game time LOL. No matter how…
Same here. If I feel like I missed something I’ll go back and look around lol. It’s the only way for me to play open world games.
But that’s the point, for that $60 you’re getting a game that will last 30-60 hours. For $10 you’re getting a little picture. The fact is it’s TERRIBLE value. So it comes down to, do I wanna buy Witcher 3, a game with 100s of hours of gameplay for $60, or buy 6 of these pictures for $60? That’s just an example but ya.…
So now that we know both Sony and Microsoft are releasing 1TB drives soon, it makes me think, couldn’t they have just included them from the start? Being an early adopter sucks, never again man.
You can’t really compare the two though. Witcher 3 has forests and shit like that, you gotta remember Fallout is a wasteland, they don’t get the luxury of making lush, green forests and shit. I think the game looks great, much more colorful than Fallout 3, I actually expected it to look a little worse than it did.…
Yup, this is why I chose Triss. Triss is way more laid back and chill.
I just can’t help but feel like they went out of their way to make the game as graphic as possible just to drum up controversy. It feels shallow and cheap to me. You can kill people in GTA but the killing animations aren’t as graphic and detailed as they are in Hatred (Minus the GTA 5 torture scene). I’m not even…
Yes, it is a rather fascinating look into the human psyche.
Ya. You get cases of people buying a home that they really can’t afford because they feel like they have some invisible standard to live up to, then that home gets foreclosed on several years later :(. No shame in having to live with someone, even family,I hate the stereotypes around it.
GTA there is an actual story weaved in, a decent one at that, Hatred is just some emo dude who hates the world and walks outside his home and starts killing everyone in sight. The difference is, killing innocent people is encouraged in this game, it’s basically the whole point of the game, where as in GTA it’s…
lol at all the people on the forums saying “I’ve been subscribed since vanilla but now with no flying im outta here” everyone there has way too much time invested in the game to just up and quit like that, they’ll be gone until the next expansion then resubscribe in droves once the next expansion hits, happens every…