
You can complain all you want, you just shouldn’t let it blind you to the fact that it’s still a good game. You just gotta be a smart consumer is all and never buy into the hype for ANYTHING until you’ve had a chance to either try it yourself or until the game is out and you can watch numerous reviews and playthroughs

Did they actually PROMISE that the game would look like that? I got news for you buddy, most of the people bitching about how the game used to look don’t even have computers powerful enough to run the game at that setting anyways. Are companies dishonest with their screenshots and trailers a lot of the time? Yes.

You ever play Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis? I love that game so damn much.

I know what you mean. I saw comparison videos and screenshots of the game running on low/ultra and ultra looked better but not amazingly better. I actually went with the Xbone version and I think the game looks great.

No one is saying there weren’t ANY bugs back in the day, just saying there were a whole lot less. But yes I agree, you hear about it a lot more these days due to places like Reddit and other gaming forums.

Well some of us haven’t really ran into many bugs, this save bug is only affecting a very small minority of people, I guarantee it. Also, getting it cheaper is nice but a game this size is worth every penny. I’ve been bored as shit with my Xbone lately so I bought the game right away, been needing something new to

I’ll give Nintendo credit for putting out working games BUT let’s be honest, none of their games are nearly as complex as a game like Witcher 3. I’m sure CD Project could put out a kart racer without any bugs too, seen as how simple those games are. (simple doesn’t mean bad BTW, Mario Kart is a blast). Honestly,

And guess what? All of them are FREE :D :D nothing to see here move along

This is a win for Microsoft. People can talk smack on him all they want over the Mass Effect 3 ending (get over it) but the fact remains that he worked on some of the best RPG games of all time, including the almighty KOTOR. I support this guy no matter what.

Ya same here, it’s like Christmas in June. It’s the hype that keeps us going man, we are always thinking what ground breaking announcement will be shown. We all want to be “wowed”.

Of course, we’re the little guys, we’re just a number in their subscription charts, they don’t view us as actual people :( lol

“sitting over in his dark basement that has the musky stench of a virgin fapping for hours on end”

and the Jezzies, just the thought of them *shudders*

Exactly. I’m waiting for the day Call of Duty crashes and burns. People can only buy and enjoy the same regurgitated crap for so long before enough is enough and it gets boring as hell. That’s why series like Elder Scrolls and GTA stand the test of time. Because we only get an iteration of those games, on average,

That’s the problem, these big publishers aren’t run by gamers, they’re run by business men in suits lol. They only focus on the money rather than balance profits with customer satisfaction. Some of the CEOs seem like ok guys, The new EA CEO seems ok, but Bobby Kotick for example is terrible lol. Sure the guy knows how

I know what you’re saying about shitty sales milestones. I really blame the execs at these companies. I read recently that Sega was disappointed with the sales of Alien Isolation even though it sold like 2.1 million copies or something. That’s ridiculous. I generally don’t pre-order unless it’s a special case. I

“But Ubisoft has investors and stock holders they have to appease”

What? Of course many people still enjoy Banjo and Half-Life these days, myself included. You took my post the wrong way lol

People like tits, that’s all the justification needed.

“The first one” even though it’s titled Fallout 3