lol I hate those people.
lol I hate those people.
lol they will never call it Skyrim 2, people know it as Elder Scrolls. Back when Morrowind was popular everyone knew it as just “Morrowind” and the same thing for Oblivion, but they will never stop using the Elder Scrolls title.
It’s one of those games you had to have played back in the day to appreciate it. Of course the game isn’t going to seem like anything special if you’re playing it for the first time today. Something similar happened to me actually, last year, for the very first time, I played a Half-Life game. I played through…
People only went out to do the daily quests though, then they went straight back to Org/Stormwind and parked while they waited on a queue lol. Except these days they’re either parked in the Garrison or in Stormshield.
I’ve always thought that they should be including those services in the subscription. $15 for a race change is ridiculous, $25 for a server transfer is even more ridiculous. These days, I have no idea where my $15 is going.
When you’re using their website to do the transaction, then they have every right to tell you what you can and can’t sell.
It’s all psychology. People want what they can’t have. Remember when they announced that Twinkies were going to go out of production? Well the same thing happened, people rushed to the store to buy boxes and boxes of Twinkies and got home and listed them on Ebay for hundreds of dollars. Well then a few weeks later…
I know what you’re saying. Being an avid Kotaku reader I’ve seen that entitlement out in full force at times from game pirates trying to justify their stealing of a game. “The devs suck”, “it’ s a crappy port”, “I wasn’t gonna buy it anyway”, I’ve heard it all before, and honestly I usually never pirate stuff. I have…
The key difference is they are charging a reasonable price for their movie. $7-10 a ticket, that’s fair pricing. $100 for a single fight and 2 fights that nobody but Boxing enthusiasts care about is crazy and is price gouging in my eyes. Did you read about how they were overcharging bars and restaurants that wanted to…
I just hate how they priced it man. $100 for 3 fights, that’s terrible value no matter what. They overpriced it cause they knew people were super hyped for Mayweather v Pacquiao. It felt like price gouging to me. There is way batter entertainment out there for $100. It isn’t like anyone is gonna go hungry because of…
I’m normally not one to pirate but in this case I honestly don’t care. I watched a free stream of it and I don’t feel one bit bad about it. No HBO or Showtime employee is gonna go hungry because I did that, everyone involved got paid handsomely. They overpriced those tickets on purpose because of the hype alone and…
Hell yeah it was. The only losers of tonight’s match are the people that paid $100 to watch it.
It’s different because you get a 2 hour movie with that $10 ticket, whereas the $100 you get a short boxing match where one of the guys just dances around the ring the whole time and there’s no action. $10 ticket and tons of action? or $100 that’s a total snoozefest? I know which one I’m picking.
Ok thanks for the info. I wasn’t aware that it was against the ToS.
As the modders can charge for their mods if they want to. No one is forcing them to release them for free. Make a mod, show it off by making forum posts and telling people about it and show it off, tell people your price, and give them your paypal and say, you want my mod? Here’s my paypal, either pay up or no mod for…
So...they’re entitled then. They believe they deserve to be paid for something they chose to do in their free time and chose to release it for others to download, yet gamers are the entitled ones when they try to download it for free because it was offered for free? That’s like a dev releasing a free to play game then…
If they don’t want people playing their mods for free then they shouldn’t be releasing them in a public marketplace like the workshop. Modding is a hobby, plain and simple, people want to be getting paid for a hobby now? pffftt, talk about “entitled”. If I enjoy building and painting model cars in my spare time and…
Yup it’s gonna happen and it annoys the shit out of me. Stupid people *facepalm*