
Ugh, I hate when people who use shitty analogies like that. Restaurants are a business, not a hobby. Modding on the other hand is a hobby, people make mods for fun, because it’s something they enjoy doing. If they wanted to be paid for their work then they wouldn’t be sitting at home making mods, they would be sitting

Ya this is what I’ve been saying as well. A donate button is the best of both worlds, you aren’t forcing people to pay for mods but at the same time it allows the modder to potentially make money if they do good work and people like the mod.

Building a car for his personal pleasure is not the same thing as someone else bringing him their car for service work. Modders make mods for their personal enjoyment, it’s THEIR choice to release them publicly and offer them for download so others can enjoy them. No one is forcing them.

I go to his Twitter every now and then. Cracks me up when people do that lol.

I have those same fears myself but I think at the end of the day there will always be a AAA game market. I mean, for example, look at the sales of GTA or Elder Scrolls, you think Rockstar or Todd Howard are gonna move on to mobile and tablet crap with sales like that? I think not. So we’re good for now.

lol yes they will. Look at Twitch streamers, people like the stream, they donate. Plenty of quality streamers have no problems getting donations, hefty ones at that.

I like remasters. It gives people who may not own those systems anymore a chance to play the game. Plus a lot of remasters were games I loved back in their day so it gives me a chance to experience them again with updated visuals and things like that.

Good thing nobody asked you!!

LMAO!!! that is so perfect. Probably not far from the truth either though =(

In all honesty that’s what it looks like. I mean that company makes enough money to pay their bills, pay their employees, fund new ideas, give the execs bonuses blah blah all that crap and it still isn’t enough, ah, I’m getting off topic now but ya, what you said.

That’s exactly why it thrives, because there isn’t $$$ involved. When money gets involved people get greedy, and greed kills that creative passion for things.

You think Valve would be happy with the enormous amounts of money that they already make from Steam. I guess it’s never enough, companies are always going to try and squeeze that last penny out of you.

It’s okay to feel smug now. This just goes to show why no one should be a fanboy of ANY company, they all have one thing and one thing only at heart, $$$. Whether it’s Valve, Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo they all care about their bottom line above anything else.

If they deserved a few dollars, then that’s what a donation button is for. If people think you do good work, they will donate simple as that. The people who remade Half Life on source chose to do that for fun and because they wanted to, they weren’t expecting a paycheck, if they were then they would be working at a

Of course idiots will say that. But you know what else idiots have been saying? That consoles are dead. *looks at PS4/Xbone sales* yup far from dead.

Maybe, maybe not, we won’t know until we’ve tried the game. If the settings are cranked down low enough then there won’t be any dips.

Sure it is, but unless you have a PC that can do better then it’s the only option for some people. I’d rather play Witcher 3 at 900p/30fps than not play it at all.

As long as it’s locked at 30 then it’s good.

The lack of stages bothers me. If it’s one thing I love in a fighting game it’s a big roster of fighters and tons of stages to fight on. It hasn’t stopped me from enjoying the game though.

How are they complex for the sake of being complex? It has the same controls as any other fighter, and the fatalities are more accessible than they have ever been. It’s only 3-5 buttons you need to press, if you can’t do that then fighting games aren’t for you. For the record also I hate how you gotta pay for easy