You’re just old brotha =(
You’re just old brotha =(
Gameplay or GTFO, these CGI trailers are a dime a dozen. We need to see how it plays, no one is buying this to watch pretty cinematics the whole time.
The thing is Mortal Kombat X is a really good game, they just have such a greedy DLC scheme going on with it. The best thing to do is to wait for the Komplete edition to release in 6-9 months.
Wait, these are ONE USE ONLY? So say I did buy the 30 fatality pack (which rofl is never gonna happen anyways, but let’s pretend for now) I can only use them 30 times until I have to pay another $5? Good god that is horrible lol.
Yes, I get that you aren’t defending Nintendo. I honestly don’t even plan on buying Splatoon but I needed to voice my criticism regardless, otherwise devs might start to think it’s okay to omit voice chat lol. I know some Nintendo games online are fine but overall they need a better online infrastructure. It…
It looks like we’re at an impasse then because you’re gonna keep insisting that I’m a moronic hater and I’m gonna keep insisting that you’re a blind defender :(
Ok? Just saying that’s how it works in the US, be glad you don;t live in this country. If I had the money I would haul ass outta here and move to Switzerland.
In the US it is.
Then don’t play it, simple as that :) no one is gonna ever notice that Sqarr didn’t buy the game because he was offended of all the characters being white. God imagine if a white person said the same thing, “Everyone’s dark black” they would be lynched by internet mobs for racism. The double standard in this country…
Hell no don’t wait for a sale. If any company deserves to have their game bought at full price it’s CD Projekt. :)
You do know that the developer of Splatoon is basically integrated into Nintendo right? It might as well be Nintendo. You just can’t seem to handle the fact that people are criticizing your beloved Nintendo. Maybe for some people it is a deal breaker, look how long we’ve had voice chat for multiplayer games at this…
So because I, and anyone else judging by your other post, criticize them for a decision they’ve made then that makes me a spoiled brat? lol get outta here with that crap. Also, no one is “demanding” that they add it in, we’re simply stating our displeasure with the fact that voice chat isn’t implemented despite it…
I know, they’re a company they gotta make money blah blah blah but that doesn’t mean people can’t call them out on overpriced crap. I’ve been calling Mobas out for years for overpricing their crap, Whether it’s HoN, Dota 2 or LoL they’re all guilty of it.
Ya but that was a full game, these are little skins for a single character in a game.
There’s a difference between entitlement and calling out a company on overpriced bullshit. This is the latter.
Ya but they still funded it, hell the game wouldn’t even have been made if not for them. Whether you directly make, or just fund an M rated title it’s still supporting M rated games.
We’re going to have to agree to disagree about the textures then because it just isn’t a big deal to me. I still feel immersed in the world, sure not in every single area but a lot of them.
The added number of petrified statues is annoying though, there is a shit ton of them this time around and I also feel in some…
But they still willingly helped fund an M rated game. I don’t see a “family values” company doing that. Before voice chat was even a thing? So do you want to go back to those days of not being able to easily communicate with teammates? Voice chat is the fastest and easiest way to do that. Like it or not, voice chat is…
If they champion family values then why did they support Bayonetta 2?
I wonder this same thing. Whatever happened to just hitting the mute button?