
1) If they’re a family company then why do they release games like Bayonetta 2?

But that’s my point lol, if you’re more worried about the texturing on some moss than on the game itself then, to me, you’re doing it all wrong. I agree that Dark Souls 1 had amazing enviroments, they actually felt even more medieval than the ones in DS 2, which I loved that fact, but, I certainly didn’t hate the DS 2

While I agree that a lot of online interactions do consist of those words and more, I feel like this is a bad move. Every game has its own community and types of people that it attracts. Games like Call of Duty and Mobas attract toxic behavior partly because they are such competitive games and people get pretty worked

Okay fair enough that those 2 zones are the only best looking ones but the thing to remember about the Souls games, minus Bloodborne, is that they are set in medieval times basically. So some of the enviroments are going to be in derelict castles and things like that. There’s only so much you can do to make a broken,

I just watched that video and in some areas SotFS looked better and in other areas v1.10 did. You seem to be nitpicking minor texture changes. In the video when it zooms in on the stone pillar and, yes I admit, the texture on it looked worse in SotFS but who actually focuses on that in a game lol? If you play a game

That does sound like a really lame reveal. Their surprise is ruined now anyways.

I’m gonna have to disagree. Have you not seen Heides Tower of Flame? I think that place looks gorgeous lol. I only got about halfway through the base game on PC then I stopped playing for whatever reason, I have trouble staying into RPGs on PC a lot of the time. But I have a few buddies who picked it up on Xbone so I

Speaking about the graphics, the game looks amazing to me. The lighting is much more vibrant and overall it looks really good. I don’t know of anyone that will complain about the graphics, I don’t even remember what the pre release graphics look like.

Give in my son, give in to temptation and splurge on VC games.

I'm thirding the fuck you. This one isn't remotely funny. BFME is my favorite RTS of all time as well as one of my favorite game series period of all time. They played with my childhood with this one =(

Only 1 of the 3 that has massive bank? Uh, Microsoft says hi.

I see. That's crazy. You're a lot more knowledgeable on the subject than I lol. Sounds like the guy had an absolute bottom of the barrel PSU lol.

I see. I had no idea. That's crazy man. Must have been an absolute bottom of the barrel PSU.

Are some of these stories fake? Like the story with the PSU that makes a loud bang and then fire. I don't see how a PSU can go out so violently. I mean I've heard of fault PSUs frying components that are hooked up to it but not ever making a loud bang sound.


It's something to do with Japanese women, they're all good looking lol. Seriously, I RARELY see an unattractive Asian woman :D

It should be but unfortunately that isn't always the case. Nowadays people just throw up a fund me campaign and let other good hearted people foot the bill because they know stories like this bring out the feels in people. I've suffered 2 deaths in the family the last 2 years and both times we footed the bill because

Dead is dead. Who cares how.

First world problems.

Go for it. Titanfall is only $22 on Amazon right now, probably even cheaper other places. Oh and I wouldn't take what that other guy said about Halo as fact, me and many other players are able to find a game almost instantly. The patch did wonders for the game.