
Eh, but as far as consoles go it is exclusive.

I'm in the same boat. I really don't care if Half Life 3 ever exists, I'm too busy playing other things all the time anyways, also I was never really that big of a Half Life fan to begin with. I like that they run Steam and that Steam is so successful but a part of me hates how they've put game development on the back

I don't think it's a fad, if you ask me Mobas are here to stay. I give Blizzard credit for trying to mix the formula up a little bit in Heroes of the Storm by adding things like unique events for each map and recruitable creep camps.

But PC is doomed!!!! D: D: but Nintendo is doomed D: D: but Xbox One is doomed D: D:

I always buy pre built. I plan on getting a new PC this year and I'm gonna be buying pre built as I did with this current one. I just want to take it out of the box, plug it in and turn it on without having to assemble anything. I don't mind paying extra, it's worth it for the frustration it saves. I love PC gaming

There's plenty of pre built options that offer 750W PSUs and higher.

Westwood (Command & Conquer) - Purchased by EA in 1998; shut down in 2003.

Scumbag EA =(

Ya I know what you mean, it bugs me too. The hype train immediately moves on to other games.

Let's be honest, if we had that kind of money then we would probably be doing the same thing, even if only for a little while. I would blow $180,000 at a nightclub just to see what it feels like, I would probably never do it again but hey, just once can't hurt. Also what public figure like that doesn't get constant

That's how it is with every game nowadays though. Game gets close to release, people hype like crazy and pre-order and buy season passes and expect the world of the game because they listen to and buy into the hype, then they proceed to be disappointed by the game and take their frustration out on forums and comment

Kojima has said that before though. I guarantee he will be back to make another Metal Gear game in the future. He just can't leave the ol girl :)

Looks like the tech sector is the best then :), nerds win.

I play Fappy Bird.

Ya wait until you can get a new PC before playing it. That way you can turn all the graphics up and see how beautiful it looks.

I'm just gonna repeat what others have already said and tell you to get it lol. I was on the fence as well for about a week before it came out but finally took the plunge and bought it last Friday, I AM NOT disappointed lol. Awesome game so far, plus it's only $35 so at least it isn't $60.

The 3DS only does it for certain games though right? I don't think every game supports the screenshot feature.

I think Sony will pick up the slack, they always do. PS3 took a while before it got a steady stream of good exclusives but it eventually got there. But ya at the moment there isn't really any "must play" game out for PS4 at the moment.

I still wanna play the game, but was never terribly hyped for it. I don't own a PS4 but will still try to get around to playing this when I get one, even if just for the cool weapons and characters. However, I'm always so swamped with other stuff to play that that probably isn't going to happen =(

I killed him solo in about 8 mins maybe. I was on the easier difficulty though. But normally some of the monsters can take quite some time to kill. I remember the MH 3 demo I played I was fighting this big rabbit looking monster for almost the entire demo duration and I couldn't bring him down in time. That's actually