
“Woman-clobbering Joe Mixon wasn’t drafted by the Bengals; he was raptured there by the team’s insatiable thirst for hardened criminals.”

Jay Cutler was the stepdad who put a roof over your head but forgot your birthday and pulled out a $5 bill when her remembered 2 weeks later. He also got drunk at family picnics and when your mom got mad, he would huck a football 60 yards and ask her if that limp dick she was with before could do that.

(I’m so, so sorry for what I’m about to do:)

“I guess I’m off to shovel nuclear waste in the Colonies with the other Unwomen.”

Mid-40s, cancer took the reproductive bits, but I think I’d claim ignorance of my (annoyingly strong) domestic skills just to get away from the Ofs completely. “Me? I can make fried ice, but that’s about it. Sew? What, are you out of duct tape?? Gimme my nuclear waste shovel!”

I’m in the midst of perimenopause thank goodness. I would rather die in the colonies than be forced to be with those disgusting creatures.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m not letting them forget it. They were so goddamned PROUD of their vote on election day, and now that he’s doing exactly what he promised suddenly it’s not seeming like it was such a good idea to deliberately tear your country down because you wanted to “spite libtards.”

Again, I’m sorry about all this. The last thing I want is to sit here like some goth nihilist dipshit and lecture everyone, and douse a seemingly festive occasion in cold piss. I wanna snap out of it. I want EVERYONE to snap out of it. I want America to wake up in a fevered sweat and realize what it’s done and

Yeah, the current shit in our country has gotten me so down (and focused) that I have really stopped caring about sports as much. I unfollowed all my favorite teams on twitter because I really just got sick of seeing stupid fucking gifs and dumb posts inbetween the world burning. I still check the scores of my

I’m right there with you about how crappy this Sunday’s gonna be. Putting aside the fact that I’m stuck with one of the worst workers in the company as my only backup before the game, all this shit going on with Trump... do the people who are rushing through nominations without proper vetting and banning people from

This comment is interesting to me, because, in the center of it a lot of truth. Many people must have felt that the “status quo” politician would not help them out of their problems.

As someone who was deeply ambivalent about a Clinton Presidency anyway it’s the effect of Republican electoral fuckery on the House and Senate that really worries me. The Republicans truly are the cancer that keeps on metastasising in their attempts to create the theocracy of their dreams, everywhere you look there

I can buy this. I’ve seen it from not particularly cerebral adults over the age of 40 over this past weekend, both men and women. One woman in my office went walking by another Trump-voting co-worker’s office yammering about, “DAY 1!! DAY 1 OF A BETTER FUTURE!” or some horseshit, like she’d just won the lottery. This

Yeah, the difference is conservatives’ rhetoric was nonsense fabricated by their fake news agencies and blogs and fear mongering. Trump is already slashing vital programs, destroying trade agreements, attempting to roll back Obamacare without having anything to replace it. If you look at every idea he plans on

You might not be wrong, but here’s the thing: for most of us, it was just an amusing point that Obama drew much larger crowds. DC’s demographics aside, Trump lost by three million votes and is entering office with a historically low 37% approval rating. Of course he wasn’t going to match Obama’s crowds. But for Trump,

I think I speak on behalf of all Patriots fans when I say we are deeply saddened by the current misfortune of the Indianapolis Colts. Their recent string of bad LUCK is neither deserved nor desired, and we wish them a brighter tomorrow...... Just Kidding, FUCK THEM.

I’m not a fan of either team, but what happened last night is the beginning of the end of the NFL. The Broncos were intentionally going after Cam’s head in an attempt to injure him and it took the refs 4 freakin quarters to throw even ONE flag against them. This league cannot survive when its star players are being

Now we know that someone in the NFL or with the Panthers saw the multiple brain-rattling blows to Cam Newton’s head and thought hey, maybe he’s concussed, we should check on him. We do not know when they thought this, but we know they made sure to wait until the game was over to do anything about it.

Central PA: Doesn't have phones or internet and could not be reached.