
That's good the cyber to you.

I thought I recognized that sweater! It should've just stayed in the back of Jerry's closet.

Robert Plant, Ian Anderson, Andy Partridge, and multiple others would like to have a word with you.

They have giant hands when it comes to taking, and hook hands when it comes to giving.

Bono (and U2) are not blowhards. The fact that they play sold out giant stadiums doesn't mean they suck. The Beatles did it, and I've heard they're pretty good.

Trump has a pair of rocks that will shake you. They are fabulous rocks, I tell you. The best rocks you've ever seen. (Unfortunately, they are his sons, Uday and Qusay, but the innuendo is otherwise.)

And those shirts will be made in Thailand.

I hate that because my wife is Eastern European. But at least she's not a gold digging moron. Hell, she makes more than me.

Except for the Russians. They are the best, believe me. They are the best of the best, I tell you. Unbelievable how best they are. Love ya, Putin!

Because when you sing, you usually enunciate differently.

This. The best singers sound similar to how they speak on most songs. This isn't exclusively true, but this guy is so forcefully trying to sound like something besides himself, it distracts from everything they may otherwise be good at.

In my country, they speak of a man so virile, so potent, that to spend a night with such a man is to enter a world of such sensual delights most women dare not dream of. This man is known as the "Brad". You may tell jokes, Mr. Werdup, but you are no Brad. (walks off)

I didn't get a harumph outta that guy.

I don't know. There's usually one or two segments per might that are quite good.

With that said, I've had an Insignia 38" HDTV for eight years now. (Insignia is the house brand at Best Buy.) I bought the thing when I was still single and we just had our five year anniversary not too long ago. I don't remember exactly what I paid, but probably $400. It's not "smart", but I'll be damned if it


Trump says enough incredibly dumb shit on his own without a corporate sponsor.

Even better, Boudreaux's apparently sponsored NASCAR at some point. The Wikipedia entry has a few sentences about "Kim Crosby's #24 Butt Paste Chevrolet". That would be a great user name.

Off topic, but Jesse said this: "(Nothing in a grocery store would be called Butt Butter, and the joke isn’t funny enough to justify the laziness.)"

He agreed so quickly and in the time the lieutenant spoke one sentence questioning his family responsibilities, he was off in the distance, in the elevator waving bye, wearing a swimsuit and smiling. That was just awesome.