
You can take your second rate LEGO knockoffs with you and stuff your sorries in a sack! (It's a saying.)

The A.V. Club
it’ll certainly fill that wiener-sized hole in your mouth

Dork here.

What Alan said.

That was Morricone's first win?! Nothing for The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly? Or The Mission? Yeesh…

Sure, but have you done all 97 of them?

And classy. Don't forget classy. (No murderous Mexicans though.)

But Kevin got that weird pimple-like thing off of Ross's butt! And he was "Denim Jacket" in that one episode of Seinfeld!

On Pitchfork, every Beatles album is a 10. I'm not being sardonic or sarcastic or any other "s" words.

It's sincere at its objective
Superficial and true
Easy and predictable
Exciting and new
Just say 'I want you'

This is way funnier than I thought it would be. Of course, I like this sort of humor: stupid, absurdist, and sometimes completely unexpectedly funny. It's Police Squad and Naked Gun and Top Secret (and most ZAZ stuff) in bite size chunks.

Great. Now you'll have to tell everyone what Q.E.D. means. Can-o-worms.

For very large values of 2, 2+2 does actually equal 5.


Colin Moulding says no. (At least I didn't bring up what's his face from the guy that did the South Park theme.) Colin is more emotional in the bass lines. The end.

That's Mark McKinney on the right at the top of the article. The one eating cheese balls. He's still doing the cross-dressing thing pretty convincingly.

I specifically ask for La Marseillaise on my Eggs Benedict instead of hollandaise. It lends it an international flair.