
The ravens that appear throughout the episode, overseeing the events of Shadow's and Laura's life, are undoubtedly Hugin and Munin, Odin's ravens that represent Thought and Memory. Their appearance indicates that Wednesday has almost certainly had designs on Shadow for a long time, and possibly (probably) guided

I feel like the finale is going to require Jack to confess his love for Ashi out loud in order for her to break Aku's control, which is a very hoary cliche, but it seems like it's fated to happen.

If Jack travels to the past and defeats Aku, Ashi will never exist. So I'm not 100% sure Jack is going to survive. I'm starting to think Jack is going to die, and Ashi is going to take up his sword, slay Aku, and become the new Samurai. There are no more time portals… the past cannot be saved. Only the future can be

I like Chopper's unrepentant dickishness. It's not a trait we have seen in droids before, but we've all seen it in people. I don't think Chopper is actually malicious, he just doesn't know when to stop.