
I would not categorize derailing a thread about horrific violence with pictures of pets as “mourn[ing] the loss and try[ing] to find a way to prevent this from happening ever again.”

You asked why I come to Jezebel. I generally like the content and the community, but that doesn’t mean I agree with everything that

It feels like thread-jacking. Like if a story comes out about the wage gap and someone comes in with what about the menz. Your animals are cute, yes, and I understand the catharsis but the whole thing feels like ignoring the base issue so we can all look at you instead.

Who exactly are we concerned about making feel better? Because I doubt someone who has just been blown apart by a bomb or the victim of a rape will feel comforted by the fact that the top comments on a post about their tragedy are people gushing over puppy pictures. And it’s every single upsetting story on here. So

I am not sure, but I doubt it is “dawwww, so cute”

I find it completely inappropriate that every single post about something upsetting on this website turns into a place for everyone to post pictures of cute animals. Whether it’s a terrorist attack or a brutal rape or murder, it completely devolves to “Awww, frowny-face, the world is so sad. :(:(:(:( Now look at a

The cat posting shit positively reeks of privilege. Here I am, looking at an article announcing that some of my close relatives may be dead or in life-threatening danger... And see a bunch of affluent american women using it as a venue to post pictures of their cats. When the next 9/11 rolls around I’ll be sure to

Sometimes you get really good insight from MSNBC:

You’re Welcome. I sincerely hope your in-laws are okay.

No? I do. “East vs West” is an absurd and archaic distinction to make in this day and age.

I’m so sorry that’s happening to you. This sh*t is crazy. I mean, it’s a direct hit to our European political heart. I hope you and your friends are safe and well and that as a people, a nation and a union, we will overcome this hatred.

JeSuisBruxelles is trending on twitter. Just like the Paris and Charlie Hebdo tags did. Istanbul has had at least two sets of terrorist attacks in between. No one seemed to ‘be’ Istanbul. I get that reasonable people might not want to be seen to be standing with Erdogan and the rest of his government and that that

I hate to be this person and I know that you only have the best of intentions and sentiments but... Maybe after a series of deadly explosions it’s best not to use or emphasize the phrase “blown away...”

I’s just so hard to hold that idea in my head. We are gonna put people on Mars in the next twenty years and yet this shit is happening on a daily basis and we still have slavery and sex trafficking and racism and terrorism and...


This is terrible. I just want to cry. My heart goes out not only to all those injured or killed and their loved ones but to everyone in Brussels. It is terrifying to be somewhere and not know if you’re safe and what’s happening.