Sarge Oo

I don't have to stay here and listen to this.

What I enjoyed most about this series was how we saw the Justice League through the eyes of The Team; they were grownups, serious adults with serious business. Even in JLU, Batman showed a sense of humor to his teammates from time to time. Not so in this incarnation, which makes the heroes that much more imposing and

Big Bad Hulu Daddy

I got an iPhone in 2007, shortly before the birth of my daughter. It's no exaggeration to say that the phone was instrumental in the day of her birth. When the contractions started, I used the lap function of the stopwatch to time the intervals between her contractions; I called the OB-GYN to alert her; I checked the

Was it just me, or was Holt's non-interest in food totally out of character for a man who subscribed to Boyle's pizza blog because Boyle's was the only blog that rated mouthfeel?

"If she’s driven to unspeakable acts in her quest for marital revenge, it’s because Nick drove her to the edge. "

Stop eating crab wrong! Those 5 seconds were A-material there.

Greatest Disney villain?! Nooooooo way.

By these standards, the lyrics of "Kiss the Girl" are rapey.

Did anyone else get Leslie Knope vibes coming from Peralta this episode?

I'm just trying to figure out why the review would list all the problems with the episode and still give it an A-.