
"I honestly wasn't really impressed with the orchestra at E3."

It's definitely a troll.

What i can say with certainty after looking at these gorgeous Zelda screenshots, is that wiiU can do a lot more than what that screenshot shows. Observe the alpha masked "hair" on the spider thing, and you will realise that they could have been of much higher resolution. Someone underestimated what the device can do.

seems like nintendo sales are almost back to normal in Japan. Seems that finally people came back to their senses after the sad situation with the disasters...

yup this looks like an awesome game!

well you talk about people with the intelligence of a neanderthal however that was YOUR statement. plus i'm not commenting in order to participate in any contest ;) perhaps that's how you think, and it is a common mistake to project our mentality and believe everyone is thinking like we do.

how can anyone compare wacom which is a specialized drawing tool with a console?

sorry luke but i'll be an ass and say that if after all this footage and all these words you were unable to muster your imagination and figure out what it can do for a game then i think you're doing something wrong. if that is all you could imagine, think of and fear after all what you saw and heard; i hope not many

i have one thing to say.. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

DS *is* pressure sensitive. what makes you think this one won't be? just they didn't really utilize that feature for obvious reasons. but certain homebrew art tool on DS actually used it.

hmm you don't have to. they just show that you have the option to do so for finer control, writing, sketching etc. the homebrew art tools on DS were very succesful with famous digital artists and the Art Academy software did really great! you should check them out if you haven't already!

i feel like this update was the largest hoax of the decade :D seriously underwhelming. and this comes from a huge nintendo fan! i don't have a problem with 3DS as it is, but i can't stand BS. This is NOT a 2.0 increment of a firmware. I've yet to see something that justifies that version number.

microsoft did great so far. sony had a great announcement regarding the pricing and features of Vita but i am not really as overwhelmed as with gears of war game and some cool kinect features that can do a lot for the way we play games.

"We are targeting the next generation of consoles." was this also said last night?

" something that is basically a DS with depth perception"

4. Might get ill from the screen

huh? seriously!? what betrayal come on guys.. i think this is a bit exaggerated. Capcom always gives great stuff to nintendo and their games look the best compared to other games on wii or DS. Capcom always give their best effort when making games for nintendo. that is a fact!

yeah daylight photos are good. just after the sun starts seting or lighting is poor you need to set up the night mode.. its very slow to start up also.

Myth the Fallen Lords, and Myth Soulblighter were 2 of the best RTS games not many people played ever!!!! Amazing AI and features! not to mention they were rated M. They had some truly unique features. Such as grass that would burn and spread with fire arrows. and set on fire your enemies or sometimes your own units

i totally understand his point of view, and yes making games like vorp is great fun. However this is like saying since there are short movies why make a blockbuster. I would love to get back to making MMOs sometime. But yeah for the time being and in his case short and sweet is king ;D