
It was also working on neural connectivity and had patented "the matrix" some months before PS3 was announced! :D I think i had read it here!

while i really like a couple of Paradox's games.. i.e. mount and blade, and a bit of Arthur, and ofc Magicka, for those who talk about Ubi.. i will repeat... Ghost Recon for 3DS,That one is enough! Technically and gameplay wise, Pure Awesome! A classic case of a real hardcore game on a handheld!

I enjoyed the game a lot, as much as i enjoyed Origins. Combat is amazing, they got rid of certain pointless things, like harvesting, They shouldn't limit the race to humans but ok.. the experience was worth it. I have to admit that i never enjoyed fighting dragons more than in Dragon Age 2. Felt like a raid by

i am sorry but i will be a jerk. They can enjoy themselves! and yes there are some awesome exclusives on consoles, (forced ones too), I enjoy playing on consoles a lot, but they can't be talking BS. ;)

oh yeah that was indeed the best!!! :D

UDK and Unity are the best choices for any University right now and any indie group.

and dogs ;)

They already have free online with AT&T no?

well buy a 3DS, walk a Km every day to add more coins, so you can hire mercenary heroes, and you got something better than that! Find Mii! it's addictive! :D

thank god i have not encountered one yet, but yeah the squid would be awesome!

i love electroplankton! :) and even though Steel Diver doesn't have as much content as EP did, it is still a great little game. I may agree on the price, but it didn't stop me from buying it.

very well said. not even 1/4 of the studios that use unreal or udk(and i am being very generous...) use cryEngine. plus udk supports the latest visual technologies, and very robust content creation tools, and platforms, allowing for many more cool tricks and commercial outlets. the very nice thing with cryEngine is

what a sad publicity stunt.. yes 250 ask for it because all other universities and pretty much anyone interested for that matter, already get UDK and Unity for free! (and UDK is a much better tool than CryEngine)

both very sexy.. they look like lady's purse sexy though :S they seem cabable and they will last a few good hours i guess. and all touch controls... hmm definitely interesting! but not what one would expect from sony. especially lady's purse #2 looks like a mini toaster ...

"There may be no clear winner in this generation's console wars,..."

i am not sure if you have noticed, but for the last 6 years nintendo is not playing catch up. It is leading. Are they going to keep up the trend? lets see!

well in the case of ipad nobody told the sheep .. eeerm consumers to wait ;) you get what i mean?

lol did nobody tell him not to have 2 ice latte before the flight? :D

it's boobs with a tie :) great!! :D

wow that's about 120€!!!! 3DS games are 50€ in my country. :(