
If you play video games you deserve to be swatted. you know it happens to gamers so if you don’t want the swat team shooting you dead don’t play online games. And your family should really question your life choices at your funeral

I don’t disagree but am curious if you can remember any references.....nevermind I remembered this cool thing called google, dang there are a lot of articles about this. Cheers

They are literally killing us in the streets, well at least in clinics. With guns that have more rights than a doctor and patient to talk about true medical facts. I think when your ideological disagreements allows them to kill you it is already so hopelessly politicized that saying it can be un-politicized is

Yes I used the wrong there. their, sigh. Look at the idiot <-----

They still are driving an 85 CRX, you think they have sprung for the latest digital camera technology or are still using there 1.3 MP from 03 because it still works?

too many men! Sigh

All the teachers who want to carry guns at my daughter’s high school are lecherous and creepy and girls already take summer courses to avoid them. I think for the most part teachers who want to carry guns are the ones I would prefer not being armed around my kid. And I say this as former military with a carry permit

I read this and just see “Designated Drivers Not Welcome” 


Lol, nope, grey and was never used as a METHod of transportation. I hope 

Do you have an old tercel 4x4? I inherited one and this summer will be trying to resurrect it!

Real parent? Really? Is that what you really mean? Is that what you really want to say? I would ask you to think about what makes a parent and I don’t think shared DNA is the test of real or not.

Isn’t this the same group that on May 22nd of 2010 said some female genital mutilation was okay? As long as it was minor? Not sure where this group derives its authority from.....