
As a guy, I've seen how awful birth control can be for women. My wife went through a whole bunch of different ones and never was able to find one that worked well. Whether it was acne, fatigue, mood swings, whatever... none of them were worth the negative side effects. A one-time outpatient deal doesn't really seem

I could also see the abuse potential for this to be huge, ala a guy saying "oh yeah, I've totally had the injection"

Kit for sure... but a really good one. A few things:

Dat sound tho....

Any time somebody makes a broad generalized statement of ANY group, without qualifiers, expect someone who doesn't wish to partake in thoughtless binaries to answer with "Not all..." That's life on Planet Earth.

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Might want to worry a little. Here's one that runs 12.7's, with a tune, exhaust, and meth injection.

Unfortunately this method is no longer possible. Google shut down XMPP federation, which means that you can no longer link other messaging networks together with it.

Alright, I've done a marathon... and let me tell you what. It's fucking TOUGH. When you're at mile 20 and you're almost alone because you're not fast enough to be running with a huge pack of people, it starts to really grind you down mentally. Now obviously the physical part is tough, but I found the mental part to

"To ring the telephone to alert a subscriber to an incoming call, about 90 volts of 20 Hz AC current is superimposed over the DC voltage already present on the idle line."

I saw this happen once when I was a kid. We were coming down I-80 West from Lake Tahoe, which is a pretty long steep grade... and an old 70's F150 towing a two-horse trailer started doing this. The result was exactly the same.. the trailer ended up jackknifing clockwise and dragged the truck off the road and down a

It's the Cooper S, the car I just bought, because I am the smartest human being alive. Eat shit, other cars.

The WRX has *always* had the option of an automatic transmission, from 02 onwards. That transmission is the absolutely ancient 4EAT. Yes, subaru still sells cars with 4-speed transmissions in 2013. They are replacing that dinosaur of a transmission with a CVT. So, this matters to us jalopniks, why? They're

It's really called "manufacturer published times" which are completely different from the magazine published times everyone is posting for the old car. People will bitch and moan about this until a magazine publishes real instrumented tests, then they'll find something else to bitch about. Such is the way with

Subaru's own published time for the outgoing car was similar. Car magazines are WAY more aggressive when they get their top times, this car will be faster for sure...

Have you driven a car with subaru's ancient 4-speed auto?

A plain oil fire would have been a lot easier to contain without the NO2. Have you ever seen what happens to a pile of smoldering charcoal briquets when you dump some liquid oxygen on them?

You forgot the worst part about LAX, as someone who lives in LA and picks people up from the airport on occasion.... LAPD uses that area like grizzly bears snacking on delicious salmon swimming upstream. It's perfect for them! Everyone is driving slowly, there's lots of curbside parking everywhere, and they can sit

"Are you alive? REALLY?"

This... I like this. I like it a lot. They went and fixed the stuff that I didn't like that much about the 1er, namely that bubble roofline (even if it was supposed to hearken back to the 2002), and took off 200 lbs? Sold. And those seats! Those look amazing. The 235i with some mild tuning would be an absolute

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He did almost the same thing this year... fast foward to 4:15!