From what I remember, that thing is nearly impossible to ride, and even the stuntmen had a tough time keeping it upright.
From what I remember, that thing is nearly impossible to ride, and even the stuntmen had a tough time keeping it upright.
"The Lighting handles almost as well as a Mustang GT."
There is not a pipe in the world big enough to hold all this crack. I kept waiting for some insane motor swap or something incredibly rare to justify the price... but nope. Just kilos upon kilos of crack.
Wow... Years ago, my wife had this engraved on her 2nd generation ipod when she bought it, so you can imagine my surprise to see this quote pop up this morning in reference to apple gear.
I work down the street from a Tesla service center, and one of these trucks shows up about 3-4 times a week. If they run out of storage space in the lot, the street will have an entire truckload of Model S's parked up and down both sides of the street.
How did I never notice that this is a country song?
It was actually Grassroots Motorsports:…
Regarding the $300 system- I just built a machine with the A4-3300 CPU, and it works decently. However, I would recommend one SLIGHT change though. For $16 more, you can move to an FM2 motherboard and CPU, which is a newer platform than FM1- and opens up many options for future upgrades if you need a little more…
I'll have to disagree with "pre-feeding" the kids if you'll be eating when they normally have dinner anyway. Our daughter is 17 months old, and giving her some snacks while we're eating is an easy way to keep her occupied while we do our thing. She's still a bit young to entertain herself at the table without some…
As a father of a 15-month-old- this list hits home. I agree with everything here, and it's all excellent advice. One thing I'd like to add to #2. If it is really getting to you- talk to people about it!! You can start to feel like you're the worst parent in the world or that there is something wrong with your…
I'm pretty sure this is the spot:
Please, please... we all know Will would be drinking an Old Milwaukee.
Man, it was all going so well until he said liase.
I dunno man. Maybe this whole Q business is really just their way of killing it off in a Hunter S. Thompson shot-out-of-a-cannon fiery explosion kind of way.
"the worst thing is he was about to S50 swap it the next week... "
This is more indicative of a news culture that relies more on "report first, check later". The problem is not people joking, it's people who retweet or report things without even doing the bare minimum of testing to see if it's even true. You were already on twitter anyway, so it's not like you had a lot of work to…
So what the hell is the point of the Q then, anyway if it's going to be on everything? It instantly becomes meaningless if it's on the smallest, cheapest vehicle they sell all the way to the largest and most expensive. All they did was mash up audi, volvo, and bmw's naming strategies in to one awful soup.
Only 4 out of 9 are either directly or peripherally apple related. They really need to step up their game for 2013.