You just don't know where to look! It takes a bit of a drive, but it's worth a fall trip. There are a bunch of farms centered around Oak Glen, east of LA. Here's one: []
You just don't know where to look! It takes a bit of a drive, but it's worth a fall trip. There are a bunch of farms centered around Oak Glen, east of LA. Here's one: []
I think you'd be pretty knowledgeable after producing that much milk... so, both?
Well, not quite in this instance... New York has been working on a new water main for the better part of the last 40 years: []
Actually the whole thing is fallacious, because I live in southern california and I'm actually going 11mph if I'm lucky.
This is all "we" can get because we're civilians. Hell, "we" didn't have access to anything remotely like this until a few years ago.
My commute to work is 58,080 feet and I'm going 88 feet per second. Quick, how many minutes does it take me to get to work?
"* So warlord-grade in fact that civilians aren't allowed to own them in Chad."
You have it right, because all they did was use the FIRST IMAGE from a google image search for "blackberry playbook": []
Ok, but does that mean you'd be cool with having her write a blog post about how terrible your dates were, as well as putting up your personal information? I don't think anybody's faulting her for not having chemistry with the guy, it's what she chose to do about it to prop up her ego.
What's up with putting the "like" bubble right over his mom's crotch? Creepy, no?
It was my understanding that ghee was actually clarified butter... is it a more generic term for fat?
Agreed- it was the "remove key from ignition" part I was worried about, there. Most cars, once you turn the key from ON to ACC, it'll kill the motor... no need to even go fully off/lock.
The only problem with totally turning the car off is that it locks your steering, so it'll turn out about like this.
This is what it comes out looking like- not sure if there is any way around it.
Ok, I ran into an issue with this, now that I understand how it works. When clicking on an amazon link from google search results, it puts an interstitial page in the middle saying "you're getting redirected, are you sure you want to go to this link?" I'd never seen it before, but that makes sense.
20,000 songs means just that. They don't limit it based on bytes, but by number of tracks. Depending on what bitrates you use (and the length of songs) that is anywhere from 60 to 200gb worth of music. I don't have it all uploaded to Google Music, but the 11,000+ songs I have amount to 80gb.
Wow, I love it so far! It has pretty much every feature that I want. I would like the ability to configure the size of the pop-up for new track notifications. If there was an option for a "minimal" display that did not have the controls, just the small album artwork and artist/album/track.
She's got nothing on this guy.