Sardonic Rathbone

you can't pit mass murder against mass extinction

i just googled it, and apparently the first public release of Minecraft was May 17, 2009. May 17, 2019 is a Friday, exactly one week before the just announced release date.

the faux-'80s inspirational training montage song has gotta be cheap/free library music cause it's also in Birdemic 2

almost all Comedy Central shows have stingers but they're NEVER shown during the initial airings. maybe in reruns they show them, but definitely if you watch them online they show them. i generally DVR and watch CC shows the same day they air and it's always felt like a weird punishment that the stingers are cut out

R.I.P. Ass Dan

as soon as i saw all those names together, i instinctively heard this

i'll buy one. i've never seen these movies, but i'm a big fan of the cool guy on the cover art of Striðsyfirlýsing by Vondur

a jack-off machine under every tree!

and instead of all the different kinds of stormtroopers, just imagine the endless variations of silver mannequins dressed as 1970s LAPD motorcycle cops we'd have!

that phrase has been kind of a running gag this season, i believe it even popped up multiple times in the episode with the yogurt commercial sketch.

i thought the same thing, although that would be a VERY quick turnaround. but not impossible.

rolling around in a little ball along the floor is still honest

a lot of it is pretty accurate and interesting. i'm like 99% sure some music nerd at the Onion wrote that in earnest for some other purpose but when they finished it and gave it some distance, they were way too embarrassed to release it seriously but still wanted it out there. i love it

yeah i think i've come to the conclusion that it just sounds like the general vibe of that record, cause it does sound a lot like that one too.

without a doubt it will be the Beatles: John, Paul, Greg and Scottie Pippen

i think it's Supertramp, and i think it's Take The Long Way Home

the song has been stuck in my head all night and it sounds just like something, but i can't place it

from the Z to the O to the double-R O?

definitely not. i was in high school in the early 2000s in the suburbs and the Fitzpatrick / Inside SoCal sketches are always astoundingly accurate. i don't know if their exact worlds really exist in the same form today (for example, in the era of kickstarter) but they always kill me. they're almost like

now someone go to Baltimore and knock that LaBeouf-lookin' motherfucker Alan Resnick down a peg