
Rough stuff.

I thought we weren't talking about Spanfeller here.

Good thing that 200K Lincoln still has that new-McConaughey smell.

Anything Lindelof has to reach some sort of satisfying conclusion (by consensus) before I will start investing time in it.  This rule has saved me HOURS of wasted time.

Having done it both ways (not on this flight but on other US-Asia flights) I can say that ~26 hours of travel time including a 4-hour layover in the concourse of a random airport is appreciably worse than this.

I have similar desires to the first OP and wonder why, if you are suggesting the Buick (insert annoying theme music here), you wouldn’t consider the other badge options of that platform (e.g. Acadia Denali and Cadillac XT5)? My searches seem to show the equivalent off-lease Caddy as being less expensive and with a

And had the Academy Award named after him

Sort of like the money they spend on TV ads today.

Old guy comments:

Buy this and you'll be doing most everything "without haste".

Pretty inside-baseball stuff for Jalop.

“We” is clearly acceptable when you are sitting in the stands wearing team regaila (home or visiting).

That’s a man who’s had one too many surgeries.  


Will somebody please sign this guy for the John McAfee story


You mean Every band at Every Festival

The problem with a vehicle like this is that it falls in that uncanny valley between “project” (which would need more work and be far cheaper) and “drive as is” (which would justify this price, but not at this condition and level of finish).

Well done. 

I’ve been thinking for a while that That Thing needs a whole article.