
Just stop building these ridiculously over-sized monstrosities.

ROFLMAO at the thought that that hypocritical weasel Ken Paxton gives a shit about Texans’ privacy. If Allstate used that data to snitch on customers who drive too close to an abortion clinic, he’d be celebrating and offering them immunity.

Both the ease at which these lies spread and the ferocity that the simps hold on to them (even when shown to be lies) is precisely why this country is not long for peace. The second a social media site deletes them as “false”, the RW screams “censorship!” and the site is brought in front of Congress.  Only a matter of

“You won’t see this on the news!” they say about a story they just made up.


Please stop referring to the turd anything other than felon; he is not worthyof any other words in the dictionary except perhaps rapist.

We could, I dunno, have limits on the width, length and height of non-commercial vehicles.

Maybe they thought he’d be too embarassed to bring it up?

To make matters worse, Kirby says dealer higher-ups told him to lie about the reason he was fired; he was told to say he was let go because of “a new company structure.”

The subordinate took screenshots and showed them to co-workers and managers, the decision said.”

I’m going to say that the “standards of professional conduct” were violated by the other employees. As always, fuck dealerships.

If you can’t charge at home, and you’re not driving a Tesla, charging can be a real hassle, especially if you’re not in California or another state with good charging infrastructure. Even in California, the high-speed chargers are often full or out of service. This is no doubt too much for many people to deal with.

And in a DeLorean no less!

Mormon detected.

Since they are all criminals, it would technically not be collective punishment.

Collective punishment of Republicans would be awesome.

Alcohol doesn’t change personalities, it reveals them. Some people are natural buttholes and alcohol reveals that. Some people have to work on being that way and the alcohol reveals that deep down, they aren’t jerks.

What I love about the new mail truck is that they did not give a single fuck about looks and went for functionality only- that goofy high roof? easy to stand up in. That low low hood? easy to see pedestrians and kids when you’re driving in neighborhoods, where you’ll spend most of your time. That crazy bumper? You’re

That is why I love it though, its function over form directly related to making the postal worker’s job easier and more comfortable.

Untrue, actually.