
Hulk was explicitly shown to be working with Captain Marvel, so he’s in the mix (and potentially She-Hulk, despite that line on the show).  


Well sure, those trucks are also stupid.

Pretty easy to explain the origin of a gated community having that specific rule. I do kind of like how now that conservative culture requires massive pickup trucks it’s backfired on them.

Do they ever try to pull the “actually that’s not the Confederate Flag, that’s the Battle Flag (or whatever),” which only makes it more hilarious by confirming that the only thing this actually symbolized in the first place was taking up arms against the United States of America?

My favorite retort/troll for folks like

Really, only the Atlanta MLB team should be allowed to do this.

I’ve always said that a de-religioned “America the Beautiful” would be a much better national anthem. It’s a nice song and it wouldn’t take a lot of work to replace all the religious references.”

They’re treating him as a martyr anyway.

Not sure what all that’s about, but it’s super.

No idea.  So, back to the original question of whether you saw it.


Accurately reporting facts about the hilarious degree to which Thomas is corrupt isn’t bias.

Despite being told specifically not to, passengers were taking their belongings with them as they tried to exit the aircraft.”

You know, you try and try to not hate people all the time, and then you read stuff like this.

That’s the point, though - if they’re all fighting to out-Trump each other, they’re going to have a much tougher time putting together that extremely slim Electoral College majority which just barely got him into office in the first place.  I’m pretty sure somewhere in the ancient wisdoms is something about preferring

Yes, the one that required absolutely no homework whatsoever about that 1980s TV show, and that was a great action-comedy in the exact vein of True Lies, which I hear from sources that we’re not getting any more of.

The insanity he unlocked wouldn’t have gone away, but it also wouldn’t have its figurehead to coalesce behind anymore, and how long does the usual cult survive once Glorious Leader is out of the picture?  

You know for sure that one question any VP pick has to answer was “will you always do whatever I tell you without question, even if it violates your oath or explicitly described duties of the job””

That’s Trump’s only question this time around.

Did you see The Fall Guy?

No doubt - if he’d been purely a jerkass goofball we wouldn’t remember his character (and performance) nearly as fondly.  

For a while it seemed like The Rock was an approximation of Arnold’s ability to do action and comedy, but in more recent years I’m convinced that John Cena is actually the true Arnold successor.