Source for the no-knock part? All the articles I’ve seen so far don’t say either way.
Source for the no-knock part? All the articles I’ve seen so far don’t say either way.
They’d better...
Starred for the Spanfeller comment, not the slander against delicious cilantro.
Ooh, yeah, that’s a pretty uncanny resemblance.
This looks/sounds very cool. Definitely interested in seeing it. I’m trying to find a good comparison for Dastmalchian’s recent rise to “odd-looking character actor who always delivers,” and I think I’ve landed on “he’s the new Steve Buscemi.”
The car she bought is noted in the article as well as the subheadline.
America really needs a blast of seaman these days, no doubt.
Say what one will about Tomato; at least he was creative.
I like that this particular troll was saying this about a (still-hypothetical) movie in which Bond will be played, finally in keeping with tradition, by a white guy.
Then you’d just have boxy minivans.
Whenever it’s not noted, I think we can safely presume that it’s terrible.
You know the correct answer already.
Way better than what Shatner would have done with a resurrected TNG-era Kirk if he’d been given the reins:
What did they do in the 80s when this exact thing was being said about Japanese cars?
Per his campaign’s transcript of his prepared remarks in this very speech (obviously which differs from what he actually ended up saying, due to ad-libs and additional helpings of word salad), he still thinks China paid those tariffs directly to the U.S. Treasury.
whom the policy would benefit*
“Even the early inclusion of Sophon has my spidey-sense tingling; they’re worried about scaring people off so they’re front-loading badass samurai sword lady.”
Okay, the second book in this series seems to have given that theory a name, or at least a popular one, but it didn’t invent the idea. I think it’s a fair and certainly interesting suggestion under the umbrella of the Fermi Paradox.
I, too, hope with every fiber of my being that he doesn’t win. But to act like it’s not a possibility, or a coin flip, is way too optimistic.