
And to think, you could simply have chosen not to embarrass yourself like this, or to this hilarious degree.

Children have so many redeeming qualities, though, unlike these people.

What’s one thing all of these creators have in common, aside from boundless passion for Microsoft’s games division?”

Oh, I know!  It’s that they’re all the weirdest possible manbabies shrieking stupidly about something dumb!

Probably because an 8-hour series is a much better match for the amount of content in a lot of novels than a 2-hour movie.

The better question is “why do we keep trying to cram an entire book into two hours and then being surprised when it doesn’t work?”

To the extent they had any brains to begin with.

Highly dependent on which “something.”

And even aside from all of that - the extremely popular star of the show she was on is famously supportive of his trans sister, and I have no doubt at all that not only he told her to cut the shit, but told Disney to cut her shit. Yet she was so dumb that she didn’t cut the shit.

I honestly admire your willingness to constantly plug away and embarrass yourself, year after year.  

Why does this upset you so?

You think the people stealing it don’t realize how much they are getting paid?”

I definitely don’t think the meth heads doing this are thinking that far ahead, no.

If Trump paid $20k it’s a sure sign that he promised he’d pay them $60k.

The book it’s adapting was really good (as are the others I’ve read from the same author), so I have reasonable hopes. Not sure why your descriptor of choice was that.

I can’t speak to the details of what they did during those five days, but you’re right that “laid off” in this context does not mean what it would in the usual sense.

I’m sure its just a coincidence that Obama put up zero fight when Republicans put a corrupt scumbag on the Supreme Court who perfectly aligned with what Obama’s biggest donors want in a Supreme Court justice. You idiot.”

Obviously you’re very dumb, but I’m genuinely curious what you think you’re talking about here.

Their ACA nonsense didn’t disappear - they tried to enact their bad alternative plan and ultimately were torpedoed by John McCain in an act almost purely motivated by spite and revenge.  The thing they got all hyped up about and then completely forgot was “Lock Her Up.”

I do kind of long for the time when she was the craziest and dumbest one of them out there, though.  

Thanks for the pic - that really helps provide context and demonstrate that the post-recall version is massively superior.  

The convoy is expected to reach Eagle Pass by Saturday, where they will...I don’t know exactly?”

Go to the bathroom on themselves, most likely.

And he likes to call others snowflakes.

I have this vision of Burton hosing pirates down with a (paintball) machine gun, yelling “TELL ‘EM KUNTA KINTE SENT YOU!!!”