
The book it’s adapting was really good (as are the others I’ve read from the same author), so I have reasonable hopes. Not sure why your descriptor of choice was that.

I can’t speak to the details of what they did during those five days, but you’re right that “laid off” in this context does not mean what it would in the usual sense.

I’m sure its just a coincidence that Obama put up zero fight when Republicans put a corrupt scumbag on the Supreme Court who perfectly aligned with what Obama’s biggest donors want in a Supreme Court justice. You idiot.”

Obviously you’re very dumb, but I’m genuinely curious what you think you’re talking about here.

Their ACA nonsense didn’t disappear - they tried to enact their bad alternative plan and ultimately were torpedoed by John McCain in an act almost purely motivated by spite and revenge.  The thing they got all hyped up about and then completely forgot was “Lock Her Up.”

I do kind of long for the time when she was the craziest and dumbest one of them out there, though.  

Thanks for the pic - that really helps provide context and demonstrate that the post-recall version is massively superior.  

The convoy is expected to reach Eagle Pass by Saturday, where they will...I don’t know exactly?”

Go to the bathroom on themselves, most likely.

And he likes to call others snowflakes.

I have this vision of Burton hosing pirates down with a (paintball) machine gun, yelling “TELL ‘EM KUNTA KINTE SENT YOU!!!”

I had thought so, but the wiki seems to think the only mention of this was a quick shot of someone’s Outlook screen that showed an email from Dean Pelton with the subject “Buzz Hickey’s Memorial Services”, which could be read as either him dying or him having started a funeral home business.  Hell, Starburns faked his

Why did you sign up specifically to post something so dumb and incorrect?

And Buzz Hickey, who may or may not be alive.

The best buffalo-wing-flavored chip I’ve had by far, and I’ve tried a lot of them, is the offering from Great Lakes Potato Chips.  Highest recommendations.

something called In-Lane Repositioning, which helps provide you more space by subtly shifting away from vehicles in adjacent lanes”

That’s a steering wheel.  They’ve reinvented the steering wheel.

Absolutely. Recent article that I think you’ll be interested in, as it draws the same conclusion and notes a couple of horrifying examples.

Vallejo PD detective Mat Mustard”

Can’t make this shit up.  Could have pegged this guy as an incompetent bastard the second we heard this name.

Florida District Court Judge Allen Winsor (who was appointed to the bench by Trump)“

I believe the AP Style Guide thus requires the word Judge to be in quotes, then.

It’s always worth reminding people that when they say “ballot harvesting” they mean “voting.”  They just plain hate the idea that people get to vote.

I’m pretty surprised it happens that much! You expected that number of cases or more?

Also, I’m not seeing the text you put in quotes within the link you’ve provided, but I’ll take your word for it.

I’m genuinely curious why you didn’t read the link on that text, which would have shown you that you’re dead wrong about that.  Seriously, why didn’t you?