
Yeah, the Top Chef as well as the George Washington skits go immediately into the pantheon.

Now playing

His turn as the elderly oil baron (or whatever) visiting his son (Pete Davidson’s) class for Career Day is legitimately among my all-time favorites for the show.

Flashing back to the opening screen of that movie in early 2017 was a blast, because it was a reasonably apt description of the state of things, down to stating that it took place in 2017,  just as we here in the real world also had a game show host assume supreme executive power.

but it’s a decent aircraft that takes flak for being a new design that’s still working out some bugs.”

Weren’t the first flight tests in 1989?  How long are we going to give it?

And that’s... bad?

For instance, the Quincy High School football team in Plumas County has to play the rival team from Etna High School in Siskiyou County.”

Not sure about the “has to” there.

If Jerry Falwell denounces you, you’re doing something very very right.

adding to the sense that this is a wild, absurd reflection of our own world”

Much like Florida.

Yeah, when I was growing up, my mom was huge into healthy food and cooking, so we had a lot of tofu but it wasn’t treated the way it should have been, so I didn’t think much of it.  (Not my mom’s fault; she’s a very good cook, just didn’t quite click back then on how to do tofu right.)  Later on in life I learned how

Honestly, I was very disappointed to learn it wasn’t the Ridley Scott version.

And, to provide a counterpoint, thank you for that.

Whether this decision came from Feige’s genuine fidelity to the story or because Downey would never agree to it, we may never know.”

Let’s not leave out the third option that it was a horseshit unfounded rumor to begin with.

Come on.

It’s specifically noted in the article itself.  The text, not the headline.

Definitely bad news for Telsa.

That’s getting into No True Scotsman territory, so it isn’t really worth continuing down that path.  Agree with the conclusion by Mercatus there, which is also the conclusion of our OP here.

Damn, that was right there and I missed it.

Batman perched atop Godzilla’s head, steering him around like Ratatouille.

Yes, 100% my initial thought.

And just trying to hang onto their captive market in general.