
one of the most important additions has been “cross-core” helmets, armor, and weapon coatings.”

It’s really amazing that this wasn’t in there from the start, as almost literally the entire point of having so many cosmetic items is to mix-and-match, but I’m glad it’s finally here now.  

Yeah, there’s no chance that spite didn’t play a role here.  Someone decided not to tell her on purpose.

I think it’s that the “moderates” in the GOP House - meaning from districts that Biden either won or were toss-ups - know that their only chance of reelection in 2024 is for the House to be at least theoretically functional and not in the shitshow limbo that it’s been in for the past month. They figure that even a

The lawsuit (as noted in the linked article) makes it clear that it wasn’t that she couldn’t have any caffeine, and that description provides nothing to advise a reasonable consumer that it contained at least as much caffeine as black coffee.

It’s this odd line of articles where Jalop seems to deliberately conflate the end of the early adopter era and the failure of the automakers to successfully manage a transition to a wider and less-expensive approach with “Americans don’t want EVs.”

What part of that sentence was confusing to you?  

That driver made it two miles with Mendez on the hood of their Civic before they stopped and removed his body from the car, continuing on their way.”

Not even the tiniest bit confusing.

uninsured driver that caused the collision”

Of fucking course this idiot was uninsured.  Jesus.

Why should it always be so mysterious?

I do like the idea that it is now judicial precedent that evangelicals consider lying to be a fundamental aspect of their religious practice.

when he inadvertently packed his revolver inside his carry-on luggage”

Bullshit.  Bullshit bullshit bullshit.


Always remarkable to hear of a guy like this still pleading “not guilty.” My man, you literally recorded every detail, inside and out, of you committing the crimes for which you are being charged. If ever there was a time to throw yourself on the mercy of the court, it is this time.

My older kid noticed this last night - she exclaimed “my controller is playing music!” and the younger one and I didn’t believe her immediately until we did it again and listened.  Very cool.

Certainly makes for efficient disposal of the now-wrecked car!

Well, they can all sort that out in the fucking wood chipper.

Agreed - I think that taking too long at a protected left turn arrow, especially if you’re in the front of the line, should be eligible for corporal punishment.

“We?” “Our?” said every single other employee who had no choice but to follow through with their insane boss’s cocktail napkin drawings.

I do think it’s particularly illustrative that they don’t even respect the outcomes of their own internal elections.

People who think they have a stop sign but actually don’t.