
I also have a 40v Ryobi mower and love it (my yard is probably about 5k, estimating down from the total lot footage). No issues with performance after two years’ worth of mowing so far. I also have an equivalent-tier snow blower and for that device in particular the spectacular amount of noise reduction compared to my

It’s just like with electric cars - yes, they’re not going to be perfect for every use case, but for most users they’ll be perfectly good (and better).

After moving everything to a common-battery system (Ryobi in my case), it is a massive improvement to finish mowing the lawn and just yank the batter from the mower to pop it into the weed whacker to do some edges, and then into the blower to clear grass off the paved areas.

I had been planning on waiting until my gas mower died before getting a battery mower, then in spring 2022 decided that was dumb and just went for it. No regrets, now, at the closing weeks of two years’ worth of use. 100% happy with the change and do not miss the gas mower one bit. (Actually I literally do not miss it

mmm, dip.

He intended to push him into an open elevator shaft that he knew perfectly well was there. Reacting in horror after killing someone does not undo malice aforethought. He might be able to ultimately convince a member of the jury, eventually, or plead down to manslaughter, but given the facts the charge against him is

Damn, you’re right.  I just tried saying “The line must be drawn here!” in Bane’s voice and it works great.  Thanks for the new self-amusing hobby.

But that’s obvious enough to not really need stating.

Ah yes, just like it has with the rural healthcare crisis in general.

The very idea that Marvel Studios wouldn’t have kept AV Club in the loop at all times about their contingency plans is outrageous!!!!

Ah, the old “How can we trust Mayor Quimby when he let Sideshow Bob out of prison?  Vote Sideshow Bob for Mayor” tactic.

I want to play Mario Kart on it.

He’s just looking to see if Sarah Connor happens to be there.

Government of Antigua, a free proposal from me to you: “We needed to take it a few dozen miles offshore in order to make sure it was in proper working condition for a sale. Oh no it sank. Well, we tried.”

If one were willing to ignore the “15" in that name, sure.

I really am starting to wonder how long the people paying for ads are going to be fine with this sort of accelerating fraud, though.  

I strongly suspect that “The Kang Dynasty” followed by “Secret Wars” as titles for Avengers 5 and 6, as well as the recent refences to the concept of an “incursion” are giving us a major hint that a reset is coming.  I also strongly suspect that this is how the X-Men will come in - a universe where they are the main

And if I’m treating company money like my own, that means you bet your ass I’m using it for food and entertainment.

Metro area, he said.

The plaintiffs in Fund Texas Choice v. Paxton are the abortion funds Fund Texas Choice, The Afiya Center, Buckle Bunnies, Clinic Access Support Network (CASN), Frontera Fund, Jane’s Due Process, Lilith Fund, West Fund, and TEA Fund.”

Thanks for the list - time to make some donations!