See, e.g., Apollo 23. RIP.
See, e.g., Apollo 23. RIP.
I definitely remember the “he was very disrespectful to Beck” line from way back when I watched all that stuff, so it’s gotta be out there somewhere.
It’s, hilariously, about the worst possible example he could have chosen as somehow demonstrating his “point.” This guy created his own incidents, without traffic stops, clearly had no fear of traffic stops, and in response to multiple complaints, police investigated him, located him, and arrested him without traffic…
“but reportedly took him at his word that he hadn’t been drinking and wasn’t on drugs because he now owns addiction recovery centers and stays sober.”
Sounds like someone accepted the folded-up $100 bill that was handed over with the drivers’ license.
It’s incredible that in a story involving a literal child rapist, Rokita managed to make himself seem like nearly as big an asshole.
I don’t think he’s due any credit for aiding and abetting his anti-vax followers.
It was the style at the time. Also, in those days they called 5 drachma pieces “bees”!
“Elon Musk also weighed in, posting “I support Russell Brand. That man is not evil.””
Fuck, that’s the harshest roast yet.
“Everything used to be under the Netflix banner, and then content providers started withdrawing their shows and starting their own streaming services.”
This is kind of always how it goes with emerging tech, though, and it makes sense that densely-populated areas get this kind of infrastructure first. See, e.g. the Rural Electrification Act and the various efforts still ongoing to enact an equivalent for broadband.
This should really be the first and only question posed to these CEOs every time.
It was the biggest layup that’s ever been handed an incumbent President at the start of an election year in the history of the country, and all it would have taken to utilize the opportunity and cruise to a crushing victory would have been to act even the tiniest bit like a rational and decent human being. And yet he…
Regardless, all of this only reinforces my original point.
Seriously. Why does he still have boats/cars on which money can be spent, exactly?
Alternative: seize everything he has and make him come to court to explain why he should get to have even one penny of it back.
How the hell did the trial judge somehow not think that these were questions of fact for the jury to decide? Jesus.
He was all for the vaccine until he lost the election and his coup attempt failed, at which point he didn’t like it anymore because Biden would get the credit. Her not getting it means she was still listening to him in that second phase.
Maybe next time don’t get your medical advice from an angry senile game show host.
This is similar to how Quizno’s was great before they went wide.