Your strong interest in defending people who were clearly in the wrong and being assholes is getting weird at this point.
Your strong interest in defending people who were clearly in the wrong and being assholes is getting weird at this point.
Were those men complaining?
My kids were exactly the right ages for this show when it was newish, and it was shockingly good/funny. One of those semi-rare kids’ shows that was as entertaining for the parents as it was for the kids.
Same here - when I got to “influencer” I upgraded my opinion of the headline to “Miranda Lambert Was Right.”
Okay, with the addition of this one I’m ready to move beyond “Miranda Lambert Has A Point” all the way to “Miranda Lambert Was 100% Right.”
I think that is the Murican knighthood, yeah, but in this case per the linked FB post her listed address(es) are Floridian.
I finally had a chance to try the Hot Honey ice cream from Van Leeuwen a couple of weeks ago and it was magnificent. A local pizza chain near me had a fantastic Hot Honey pizza for a while (cup pepperoni and feta chees, which were absolutely perfect in tandem with the hot honey), but they discontinued that, so I had…
The most famous DeLorean was modified to run on electricity, so I’d like to see that next. (edit: wait, never mind, it wasn’t - I forgot that the fact its drivetrain still ran on gas was a specific plot point. Still, I’d like to see someone do that anyway.)
I’ll bet Danny said it at some point too, though.
True, but man, if they announced a fully-electric Sienna today they’d have my deposit money tomorrow.
I really wonder about the mind of the person who thought you were going to listen to them any further after the very first thing they told you (and the only thing they’d told you) was a flat-out lie. Jesus.
I think the idea of a society that communicates in memes has become more and more relevant in recent years.
Heck, they established they were significant above the power level of the MCU Avengers.
Ah, so “not at all”!
As I said!
The entire underlying concept of insurance - pooling risk - should have taught us that from the very start.
One wonders whether the shareholders will be thrilled when the studios collapse entirely since they can’t make any new product!
What kind of vehicle was the drunk driving?
I do hope the canonical existence of Matter-Eater Lad in the former DCEU isn’t erased! (Which since it was Gunn’s doing in the first place it probably won’t be.)
And why are they calling minivans “Very large minivans”?