
I saw that lead photo and thought, “oh sweet, some game of thrones sneak peak!”

That’s the white walkers coming over the wall. They don’t need no stinking zombie dragon to melt it.

Hopefully this means there won’t be any episodes that stop the plot dead in it’s tracks so we get the spinoff “What people in the suburbs thought people in cities looked like in the 1980's” power-hour.

It kinda feels right to me for a Netflix season to have 8 episodes. After all, I think everyone can agree that one episode last season was completely droppable so forcing a slightly more constrained running time makes sense.

Your account is full of comments defending racists, sexists and anti-LGTB fascists. You aren’t fooling anyone.

I agree with the idea that we shouldn’t have thought police. This is different though. I don’t give a shit if my brother in-law is a homophobe. I don’t care if my garbage man is racist. I don’t care if my Dr. doesn’t like Jewish people. However, as a Patriot, who loves my country it pisses me off when a public

Because most people that trot out the “feelings” card when it comes to things like LGBTQ rights cannot separate that from their actions.

Are you being this obtuse on purpose? This has nothing to do with feelings but everything to do with people trying very hard to step on others and make them seem as less human.


it cost your company a larger percentage of your time to write this post than it cost that client to pay for his meals.

mike pence doesn’t just “feel” that being gay is bad - he actively attempts to eradicate the gay. He actively attempts to take away equal rights for gay people. he actually believes you can pray the gay away.

I could care less clueless internet commenters and their opinions. However, people are allowed to love whomever they want. If someone is comfortable being gay, why does the right shun these people? Why does the right make people feel guilty because they are comfortable being gay? I never understood the logic that

And the right wants them dragged behind trucks? See what I did there? Total extremist exaggeration to try and prove a point. And it went terribly.

Feelings and campaigning on a promise to implement anti-gay conversion therapy are two different things, mmmmmmmmmmk? The latter would mean public tax dollars would be spent on ignorant bigot-brained bullshit.

I can read between the lines to make my own determination, but how exactly do you FEEL about homosexuality? Do those meanies on the left make you FEEL BAD about your BAD FEELINGS about gay people? Well, boo fucking hoo, buddy. It’s obvious that what you don’t understand about this would take me too long to explain,

Prettttty sure no one ever said people aren’t allowed to be uncomfortable with other people’s life choices. Way to ignore everything the LGBTQ community has been fighting against.


Exactly. Any person who blames the two-party system on anything other than the way our representative democracy is structured is a fucking moron and I don’t want to hear another word from them.

I guess the all-nighter must’ve really compromised this guy’s thinking but... why not just take a shit at the office and then go home? I know, wanting to get out of there quickly, but, I mean... how do you assume you’re gonna make it through your commute home?

I totally hear that. To my great surprise I really look forward to watching it with her on saturday morning and singing “True True Friend” in the car!