

Bobby Jindal was a rising star until his hostage video appearance. Ruined his career. So if Kennedy’s career goes the same way I’m all for it. Massholes stopped winning on the national stage fifty years ago.

Oh, that was 1000% a joke. You know how I feel about this being done to begin with. The last thing Obama should be doing is laughing and saying “I told you so” because he gives Trump a target. Obama needs to sit back and continue to look good by comparison. He knows we see him.

And of course the single best telling of Superman’s origin is 8 words and 4 panels from All-Star Superman.

I watched this a couple years ago with my then 8 year old daughter, who knew nothing at all about Superman. So she was wondering why we were spending so much time with this nerdy glasses guy. It wasn’t until the helicopter scene, and he pulls his suit open to reveal the S, that she realized he was Superman. It blew

“I am the least racist person that anybody is going to meet.”***

Captain “Freedumbz” Hannity doing his best to protect the Trumper. Ends badly.

Jason failed because he didn’t so much as listen to the rules, which makes sense. What’s weird is that Jason’s dumb ideas are usually somewhat right, but maybe that only works in the Bad Place. It didn’t really work out for him on Earth.

He did, the unmentioned 5th daughter Julia, currently serving 25 to life in San Quentin.

That New Yorker joke hit way too close to home.

Holy shit this is one of the coldest fucking things I’ve ever heard. Bravo. Like the old “I don’t hate you; I nothing you.”

The fear of “extinction” is so weird to me. I suspect it’s based in existential fears that they are personally useless and meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

Did...did people never get stuff on their shoulders before Jay-Z came along?

Are you really carrying water for Facebook? They can handle their own PR, can’t they?

Did they quote one of your friends?

I’m just saying... There’s no corporate synergy when the sports division denounces raping children but the “news” division is all about that child rape. As a corporation, Fox had to decide whether it was pro-pedophilia or anti-pedophilia, and Fox decided to go all-in on pro-pedophilia.

Yeah. Everyone in the theaters I saw it in, all three times, hated the shoulder-brush so much that they laughed and cheered loudly, to indicate their dislike.

If you think this is crazy, wait until I tell you what Fox *News* has completely ignored

***Nobody in the history of being full of shit has been more full of shit than those people.***

Yep. The judge who is declining to speak with the media is doing it all for the media attention.