Oh, don’t worry - I am fully prepared and expect him to get re-elected in 2020 because we as a country are just that incredibly stupid.
Oh, don’t worry - I am fully prepared and expect him to get re-elected in 2020 because we as a country are just that incredibly stupid.
Jesus Christ, was that guy stupid.
“After the agreement, Ms. Clifford’s camp complained the payment wasn’t being made quickly enough and threatened to cancel the deal, some of the people familiar with the matter said.”
Here’s the point where I transitioned from “this sounds probably true” to “yep, this is definitely true.”
The fact that we don’t know is all the answer we need.
I don’t know, I saw the link to Simmons’ column in my FB feed (I “Liked” him sometime during the Grantland era) and its title, and immediately came here to await analysis rather than read something so inevitably mind-numbing.
“I have a sneaking suspicion that U2 will soon replace Bruce Springsteen as the go to band that every white, middle aged, out of touch sportswriter loves and mentions constantly in an effort to appear hip.”
I’ll take “Posts That Could Have Been Written in 2004" for $400, Alex.
Okay, House.
I do remember hearing “bitch” on broadcast TV for the first time (in a very early Simpsons episode from a dog trainer). It seemed notable.
To avoid the worst of the dirgeness, someone (I do this) has to take control at the start and a) choose a higher starting note than everyone usually does, and b) go at a faster tempo than everyone usually does. Not only will it sound less horrific, it’ll be over more quickly so you can get back to interesting things.
Especially when they seem to have perfect recall of everything he said and all of his meaning directly surrounding the statement in question.
I agree that it was always presented as a bad thing, but as a different level of bad thing in 2004 (or whatever) than 2018, if that makes sense.
No, I agree, but now it becomes more than just cringe-worthy. My reaction to it this time was very different than I remember from when it was first aired. (edit: I guess maybe it’s going from thinking “Hey, good for Pam for having a thick skin and just letting that roll off her” to “Jesus, she’s been completely beaten…
And hey, you guys who prey on braindead rich athletes to siphon off cash on investment scams that ordinary people would be able to see through in a second? Got a couple of names here for you.
Duke needs to immediately sue these guys for harm to reputation.
Yeah, have we ever had a lock for the Gregg Award this early in the week?
Keep “Ask the Maester,” though.
I think you should respond “Oh my god - I was just talking to some complete asshole and he said the stupidest thing!” Then, when he’s offended, reassure him that you hadn’t said he was the stupid asshole you were just talking to.
“She’d been there for at least two weeks.”
And yet the Carson’s cashier still hadn’t completed ringing up what seemed to be a relatively simple purchase.
It’s relative garbage, but every so often I develop a specific taste for Sbarro’s pizza that cannot be satisfied by any other pizza. Luckily, there’s one in a food court near a place where I go for work fairly often, so the itch can be scratched before too long.