
That was good, but the best Jason moment from this episode, hands-down, was him attempting to follow through on the knock-knock joke.

Counterpoint: does Bannon look like a man who has EVER sobered up?

Not as exciting as Bannon/Trump, but satisfying nonetheless.

Jesus, I swear you can see that second one bend space and time.

It’s like the scoreboard race after the first quarter between the donut, the bagel, and the coffee cup. Just as one pulls ahead, the others surge to the front and keep you guessing until the very end.

Shut the fuck up, Jefferson.

TB12 Organic Performance Restoring Tire Chains*

Talk about a win-win, though.

Goddamnit, I saw the title and got my hopes up that she’d left.

He’s our staff.

Memo to Ellen: Eric’s the dumb one. Wait, shit, that doesn’t help at all.

“Please let 2018 be filled with Trump’s inner circle abandoning ship. Top it off with them releasing their own books that air more dirty laundry of his administration.”

And please let us not forgive any of them for their parts in this utter disaster, nor forget who they are when it’s time to indict. 

I wonder if The Roots are wondering why the hell these people are @-ing them.

So that worked on your parents when you got in trouble as a kid?

“I could’ve sworn we decided as a society that “innocent until proven guilty” was a neat idea”

Why does everyone who posts something like that think that it applies to every single situation that could ever be conceived?  

I live to help out.

I mean, I’d believe it if their official denial mentioned that her tear ducts no longer work.

To be fair, though, he doesn’t actually care about them either.

“several glaringly dubious anecdotes in the excerpts—like Trump responding “Who’s that?” at a mention of John Boehner, the former House Speaker he for years publicly criticized—which seem like a stretch even for this administration.”

By the standards of a person who is extremely clearly in an ongoing process of