
Yeah, I found the exclamation point more galling than the misquote.

Yeah, you can almost see the polite mustaches baked into the descriptor already.

“Then I ended up in Wisconsin, and the assholes running this place are trying to make it the Alabama of the Midwest. “

Especially ridiculous when Indiana is already right there and WAYYYYYYY ahead in this race. 

Penalty flag thought/new rule proposal: when a flag is thrown, the player penalized has five seconds from the time his number is announced to sprint to the flag, pick it up, and hurl it at the ref/whatever who called it. (That person will stand in a designated spot on the field.) If it strikes them between the pelvis

Thank you; just wanted to make sure. I have a staunchly pro-cop friend (to the point that I’m not sure I can truly call him a friend anymore) who viewed Slager as the only example of a bad police shooting/killing in recent years, and it was infuriating.

“Again, I tend to be pro-cop; I won’t deny that. But fuck every asshole with a badge who believes that badge gives them the right to execute other human beings with impunity.”

I do hope you realize that Michael Slager isn’t the only officer who recently managed to fit that description, though. 

True in all ways except one: according to everything I’m hearing and finding, Minnesota’s process for this means the Senate seat becomes part of the 2018 election now.

Can there be negative odds? I vote those, because there is a less-than-zero chance Mitch Fucking McConnell will do anything to a fellow (R).

bahahahahahahahahahahahaha okay one more.

Your post is the fastest I’ve ever gone from zero to “fuck this fucker I’m going to tear him a new one” to “magnificent”.

Lies. You’ve never had a single thought in your life.

Oh, I think he probably has difficulty avoiding “you know” in the first place.

I have the same response to the “there’s a time and a place” assholes that I did after the cast of Hamilton made a calm and respectful request of Mike Pence: the time and place to say these things is when the person you want to address is in the room and you are holding the microphone.

It seems like you must have worked really hard to come up with a take this dumb, so I guess congratulations are due for your sheer effort.

And, for Pete’s sake, “motherfucka”? Decide what you want to do with the “er”s, Mikey! Pick one or the other!

bahahahahahahahahaha do another one.

I don’t think Dubya started that decline, though - that’s on Reagan (or, arguably, the 1964 Civil Rights Act).

This reminds me that I’m pretty sure the reason Trump never said much about that is because he REALLY doesn’t pronounce the name of that country correctly.

Comments incorporating movie titles in a stealthy manner are first class.
