I’m extremely curious if Tillerson is still in the Cabinet as of 5:00 p.m. today. I guess we don’t have to wait long to find out.
I’m extremely curious if Tillerson is still in the Cabinet as of 5:00 p.m. today. I guess we don’t have to wait long to find out.
“His mommy is a Swanson’s frozen dinner heir.”
Best TV slap since the original “Slap Bet” episode of How I Met Your Mother, hands down.
My wife and I were SO EXCITED that Mindy was finally going to get her cocaine, but alas. Someday. Someday.
Come on - a) that wasn’t a good faith wish, obviously, and b) that was a solid burn.
No, collect the money too. Make it hurt the county.
I thought of that, but it seems really broad to try to call all information they receive on a tip line “attorney work product”. I can see where they’ll try to claim it’s all done in anticipation of litigation, but I don’t know.
I’m just reminded that when I view these (ahem)at work(ahem), the video player has the absolutely uncanny ability to freeze up the exact second before the exciting thing happens.
This also doesn’t appear to be information falling under attorney-client privilege in the first place, so that citation is all the more mystifying.
Not only that, but I’m trying to figure out how the FRE on documents falling under the attorney-client privilege could possibly be relevant here.
I can’t wait for the footage of someone slamming into the side of a port-o-potty full of teenagers in an attempt to knock it over and staggering away with a severe concussion while someone tries to belatedly explain physics to him.
And, inevitably, the “well he wasn’t a true Christian” post.
It’s after-the-fact No True Scotsmanning this, every single time. “Gosh, a person who would kill innocents must be mentally ill by definition because a non-mentally-ill person would never do that!”
Oh, don’t worry - I’m already seeing all the usual suspects (who seem to have gotten the memo) going around on social media calling bump stocks an Obama policy because of when the ATF signed off on them.
I had hoped the smiley would have shown that I was teasing rather than being mean.
I had hoped the smiley would have shown that I was teasing rather than being mean.
could finally be a narrow enough—and politically prudent—gun control measure for Republicans to jump on board with.
I enjoyed the embedded ad I was served up, which was for Cigna and had 4 well-known fictional TV doctors discussing something that I’m sure was very important. (It was Turk from Scrubs, Doogie Howser, McDreamy from Grey’s Anatomy, and Addison Idontknowherlastname from Grey’s and her spinoff.) Seemed appropriate to…
This was going to be my suggestion too.
Well where did you think they’d draw power from? :)
Well where did you think they’d draw power from? :)