
Until the so-called responsible gun owners of this country reject the NRA en masse and form a new lobbying group that can match the bribes the NRA doles out, the GOP will continue to not give one good goddamn about mass shootings (or other shootings, for that matter).

I am really fucking sick of the “Chicago has the strictest gun laws blah blah blah” line when it’s been seven years since McDonald v. City of Chicago totally fucking gutted the city’s gun laws. Chicago has not had strict gun laws in years specifically thanks to Huckabee’s base, and gosh golly look at how there’s been

My guess is that they do jack shit. Their supporters don’t require them to make even token attempts at helping.

I truly love a well-executed rhetorical question. Nice work!

I like how you went “even so” to gloss over the fact that your original point was 100% wrong. An impressive goalpost move.

*$50,000 out of at least a million

Exactly why I stole it (from someone who also stole it).

*comment stolen from someone else who also stole it, but WAY too good to pass up.


Now that Kotaku let me know that it FINALY came out, Cuphead.

Yes, this.

I’m always amused at the lack of tension between the GOP’s “everyone must work to earn their money or they will not learn valuable lessons about working hard” and their “people must be allowed to inherit all the money possible period” philosophies.

“They know their base is just as ignorant, thoughtless, and hateful as I do.”

Oh for Christ’s sake.

The problem is it would be giving everything away to explain how wrong you are about The Good Place, so you’ll just have to take everyone’s word for it.

Someone elsewhere in the comments suggested that in this scenario Janet is the most likely suspect for being the actual person in charge, and I’m whole-heartedly aboard that train now.

That was the line that stuck out to me, too, as the actual swerve made to seem ridiculous right behind a plausible swerve that looked reasonable. I’m on Team Panda.

Comment about how these exact same fuckers no doubt spent the past week talking about how awful it is that anyone would disrespect America by kneeling.

“He assured he wasn’t racist and explained he’s very much into the heritage of the South