
Oh, I’m sure Steve King of Iowa will be along shortly with a full-throated defense.

“Although not familiar with Washington politics, she probably knows as well as anybody how to craft an effective communications strategy and respond to crises with a wild card like Trump.”

Shamelessly stealing this, thank you.

I know - it’s weird, but even after these statues have come down, a Google search for “The Confederacy” still yields millions of results...almost like history was not, in fact, erased.

Yes, certain of his aides do not look terribly happy about this:

I’d disagree only because I’m no longer sure the word “post” applies here.

I remain impressed with his ability to make a bad situation he’s put himself into much, much worse.

I have a question about the meaning of the word “unlimited.”

And to think you made this post before his NEW spectacularly insincere speech!

I stand corrected - apparently it was unteachable.

I’m interpreting the words you used in the first place as the words you actually used, rather than jumping ahead to your subsequent explanations of how those words meant something totally different honestly you guys!

So I guess you could say that this question...

(puts on sunglasses)
...was a slam dunk.

That would be fun - every time someone cracks it open to grab a beer you could yell “KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED!”

Dirk’s Diggler from Boogie Nights.

At a second glance I think you’re probably right, but I’m going to stay with my initial impression because it’s more scornful.

Based on the first photo (used out on the main page), my guess was going to be “fisting.”

Amen, brother.

We lost to the 2016 Chicago Bears, which is like enrolling in an Ivy League school and then losing at Trivial Pursuit to your cousin who dropped out of high school to shoot heroin into his eyeballs.

I’m not imagining things when I observe that he seems to already have barfed on his jersey by this point, am I?