
Sounds like it won’t be true for much longer, so enjoy it now!

Yeah, he can still connect but it’s not the near-guarantee it was back then.

Agreed that it’s really better-viewed as YA fiction rather than adult literature (not to say that YA can’t be good), although that’s funny in itself because anyone who is actually YA is far too young to care about 90% of the references he makes.

There is little of the plot—or its entirety—that can’t be condensed to a Hollywood elevator pitch. “What if The Matrix was also The Last Starfighter?”

Well there’s a low bar to clear.

You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.

Say, how did the 2008 WV Democratic primary go?

I’ll answer my own question: 240,890 votes for Hillary Clinton, or 66.93% of the total.

Gravity alarmists are tools of Big Floor and Big Carpet, man! OPEN YOUR EYES, SHEEPLE!

Spoiler alert for

As his birthday is also my birthday, I heartily approve.

This right here.

It makes perfect sense - Cersei’s orders to attack Highgarden surely included the phrase “get the gold back here ASAdamnP and the food can follow at a more leisurely pace.”

Whine, pester, kvetch, and bully - but that last one doesn’t work anymore and it’s clear now that that was the biggest arrow in his quiver by far.

Thanks - I thought that was the case, so now I need to make sure I know how to enter the proper character when typing that from here on.

Yeah, that’s Nieto (or is Pena Nieto more proper?) calling him a fucking political moron to his face (ear) and him not even being smart enough to understand that. I love it.

Shoot, I’ll bet that would’ve done the trick, too.

Yeah, that’s the problem Huckabee Sanders has when she tries to “clarify” that it was a personal conversation rather than a phone conversation. Well, that means he lied about the phone aspect, so why the hell are we going to believe that he didn’t lie about the in-person part after that?

It’s a Master Negotiator tactic cleverly combining the awesome powers of the “please”, “pretty please”, and “aw come on you guys” tactics! DEALMAKING LEVEL 400 UNLOCKED!

Well, he tried both the “please” and “pretty please” approaches, as well as the “aw come on” tactic, and they didn’t work! At that point, the Master Negotiator of Big Deals is just plain out of options!