
Yes, yes, yes. If they had changed their passports, there would be no issue. Italy lets you do that. There are situations in which “because I said so” is not sufficient.

So, exactly WHY are these rules considered transphobic or trans-exclusionary? If you are transitioning, change your legal identity. If they had completed legal identity changes and gotten revised passports, there would have been no issue. Surely having ID that says you are who you say you are is not an unreasonable

Silver linings... Unexpected Gin Blossoms!

I’m trans, and I deeply support restroom access for transgender people.

Leia shared that moment with Rey because Leia is force sensitive. She knew more or less what happened on Starkiller Base when it happened, as evidenced by her reaction at the moment Ben killed Han, and the same is no doubt true of Rey’s encounter with Ben. She also no doubt was aware of what Han and Chewie thought of