
I, on the other hand, read the article. Well done, as always. Sadly, I suspect that thoughtful remarks, if any, on an ingrained culture of athletic privilege are going to be drowned out by “I would put up with [insert-offensive-behavior-here] for $300K”. If you are the latter, then you have missed the point entirely.

It’s a damn shame the Panthers don’t have Norman and Steve Smith on the same team this year. That would be the greatest one-two smack talk punch in the history of the game.

no. NO. because ERRYTHING can cause fetal abnormalities if you eat enough of it, or ear it wrong.

Seriously. if you can name a single, solitary thing that doesn’t carry risk, I’ll paypal you everything in my account (it’s like, 7 cents).

I take my coffee like I take my women. Ground up, Peruvian, and in the freez—

The cult of mommy will not tolerate you doing anything which could even tangentally make you think you’re anything more than a vessel for the continuation of the species. Its not about the .0000000000001% chance that half glass of wine hurts the kid - its about you realizing that your entire existence only has meaning

Honest to God, pregnant women don’t need “excuses” for drinking coffee. Or having the occasional glass of wine or beer. Or eating lunch meat. Or having cats (yes, this actually something some people try to shame pregnant women about). Or any of a host of other things. Women’s bodies don’t become public domain just

I’ve never been pregnant, but my friends who recently had babies all said their doctors were cool with moderate alcohol consumption. It’s so weird that doctors are OK with it, but there’s still such a massive social stigma.

I kiiiinda feel like the CDC is a little alarmist in general.

I’m pregnant, I drink with dinner, eat lunch meat, drink coffee and GASP! Don’t need anyone’s advice, because I have educated myself on the risks. Thank yoooou.

This is such a tired “debate” and much ado about nothing. Having a glass of wine or a beer while pregnant is not going to hurt anyone or anything. Jesus.

My doctor told me a glass of wine here and there was fine. So during my last trimester I drank red wine occasionally. No more than a glass, glass in a half, and my daughter suffered no ill effects from it.

Stop it, guys. You know damn well you just copy/pasted that from the last time Goodell spoke on the issue.

How you do you safely remove chicken salad from a monitor?

I would totally do that. You gotta suffer every month, it's the least I can do.

Nope, I always tried as well, and it frequently resulted in weird, awkward, or angry reactions from the guys.

Okay, I’ll bite. Am I really the only one who at least tries to get the guy to let me chip in for half? Sometimes the guy on the date stubbornly won’t let me, in which case I’ll usually concede (because I don’t want to get into a huge argument about it) and pay for the second date (if there is one) or, if we’re going

I was wondering the same thing, but your comment is a lot nicer than mine was going to be.
If white people are going to be criticized for EVERY SINGLE OPINION, good/bad/indifferent, then how can we do anything at all?

Your essay makes me uncomfortable. I honestly don't know how to help or be an ally. I work with kids in the family court system, either through abuse/neglect or juvenile delinquency/incorrigability. I want to fight for these kids, the majority of whom are POC. How do we do that without becoming a "good white person"?

Don't feel guilty. I know exactly what you're saying.

What got me through much of my kid's younger years was the thought that "I'll only be 45 when they're both off to college!"

But for me it got better. Two things happened: 1) they got more self sufficient and our interests started to align a little better and 2) I

I would live and die for all three of my children. Each one is precious in my eyes. I also wish I did not become a Dad. I'm not nearly as good at it as I had hoped. I feel like there is no refuge or sanctuary when things get really difficult. The peaceful moments either never happen or are far too short and few.