
Yes! Exactly! Fantastic idea! Hasn't been thought of cuz guys run the companies. *sigh* Maybe someday my filter will come....

I'm curious where does one find this mass of decent paying jobs that exists in your America? The business decisions made by the CEOs (with the help of technology) have slowly, but surely eroded the "middle class" jobs that were so prevalent pre-2000. Furthermore with the extreme coddling of children that exists

I've had that very same reaction to those kinds of posts and I also have 2 kids. The bed was the one thing I refused to share during the night, I had to have something off limits to the kids. The only time the kids are in bed with me is if they're super sick or its after 8am on the weekends.

BEST cereal of all time is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cereal (the original from the 90's not whatever bastardized version may exist today). No other cereal compares.

Forget college courses. EVERY high school should mandate a senior seminar with budgeting, cover letter/resume and basic legal document inspection (i.e. leases) all covered. Better yet don't let anyone graduate until they've taken and passed it.

So true. Companies will find a way to not give you your break if they can. I've been a smoker since college though I did quit both times I was pregnant. When I was pregnant with my first I was working at a certain baby/toy retail establishment and all the smokers got at least 1 if not 2 smoke breaks before I was

Brilliantly put!

Try reading my entire post instead of just reacting to the fact that I agree with the guy. Also, spell check.

Clearly reading comprehension is lacking here. I specifically stated the death NOT the person was senseless and stupid. The action is stupid and senseless. Also it seems everyone has completely ignored the part of my post where I said I've had my own issues with addiction. I know what it feels like to be an addict and

You're comparing apples to oranges with this one. While both are mental health issues 1(addiction) requires action to be a problem, while the other (bipolar) requires action to not be a problem

No one is saying that the person is senseless, but that the death is. And it is senseless. There are plenty of resources out there to help someone battle substance abuse and he clearly had the money to afford the best. I'm in the mental health field. I've dealt with numerous people with addictions in work and in my

Birthday parties are one of the few reasons I was glad my kids were born so close together (11.5 months age difference, so their birthdays are 18 days apart). All kids want a party, but its a privilege, not a right. So every year I pick a day smack in between their birthdays, let them each invite 2 friends and trek

Yes! Exactly! I'm a nurturer and I like to take care of people, but when it becomes an expectation and I get yelled at if I don't do it, I get fed up FAST. Just ask my ex that I'm in the midst of divorcing. Taking care of 2 kids all day, then I went back to school and he didn't do a damn thing to help around the house

Rolling rock is awesome! Who cares how it smells? It's not like great beers smell like roses or anything. Shouldn't this be based on taste anyway?

Ha! Divorce is far from easy. I wish it were easier so I could be rid of the dead weight already.

Well said!

Your spider cricket battles sound a lot like my battles with centipedes. I hate those fuckers too many goddamned legs and they move at the speed of light. Incidentally I also dislike spider crickets because of their resemblance to the centipede. Wish I could wipe every last fuckin one of the face of the earth.

punting is for pussies...I'm always yelling at the tv for them to go for it

Directv are a bunch of evil scrooge mcduck bastards hellbent on manipulating you into being indebted to them forever for absolutely shitty service. Frankly all the cable/satellite douchebags are evil as fuck, but directv is the worst. Seriously the only time I got to watch my football team (Go Panthers! Cam's the