sarcasm detector

I kind of sympathized with his decision to let Jane die. Not only was she clearly toxic to Jesse, she was directly threatening his family with blackmail.

Yeah - Mike specifically brought this up last season, when talking about Nacho's motivation to keep things civil.

"Although I believe he wanted Walt to kill Jesse, that was more out of self-preservation than out of outright villainous intent"


i don't think i believe any of this

Something about "Montag" makes me always think that it's misspelled.

I just wonder, what do they think would happen if the asteroid hit while they still had millions in their bank account? They would be dead-er?

okay… he is her out of wedlock bastard? Zelda is actually in her 40's? I feel like this is some ridiculous backstory.

It felt like a half hour episode stretched out to an hour

Yeah, it might be more of a case that watching super-genius criminals in TV and movies isn't representative of the mostly average-to-low intelligence criminals in real life.

even the horse looks sad

Hmm, I wonder how much of this plot just hinges on "Nacho is kind of dumb"

how does that even work?

So maybe I missed something, but Nacho was the one who stole the baseball cards? Why? To cover up stealing the drugs behind the couch? Price would have looked there sooner or later - I'm guessing he hadn't checked before he called the cops. Stealing the baseball cards, and knowing that it would make this civilian

3) - he wants Kim, and he figures that pretending to take the job, while he slows worms his way into her confidence, is the way to do it.

I don't think he thinks he is morally superior to anyone.

Seriously? There is a Talking Saul now?

Clifford Cather

They could say they were looking for clues regarding the crime they were asked to investigate. Don't need a warrant when you are invited in.

Yeah, absolutely Kim was the real mark instead of Ken. Him taking the job at Davis and Main is part of the long con.